Following in the footsteps of other MMOs, Aion’s own in-game Halloween-based holiday, Harvest Revel, was announced by NCsoft at the weekend.Naturally, the Asmodians who dwell in the dark half of Atreia enjoy and celebrate this time of year, which is marked by an eclipse that puts the entire planet into further darkness. Joining together on the Wild Hunt to chase after the leader of the Wild Kurthanir, and cooking special dishes, the Asmodians are in their element.Things aren’t so rosy for the Elyos though; used to the bright sunlight, the dark skies bring nothing but terror. Undead creatures rise from their graves every few hours and head towards towns and villages. Players must join Dark Night bands to hunt and destroy these creatures before they reach their destinations.Each day during the Harvest Revel, rewards and treats will be up for grabs, along with new lore revelations. The event runs from 25 – 31 October.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Oct 19, 2009 10:56 am