Black Myth Wukong has an extensive skill tree and to fill it out, you’re going to need a ton of Sparks. Meditation Spots can be found around the game world and reward you with Sparks. Here are all the Meditation Spot locations in Black Myth Wukong.
Table of contents
How to find all Meditation Spot locations in Black Myth Wukong
Meditation Spots are locations where the player can earn a Spark by simply meditating. You can then exchange those Sparks for skills on the skill tree, just like you would when leveling up.
Below you will discover the location of all Meditation Spots broken down by the specific chapter each can be found in. Due to no map present in Black Myth Wukong and no way to easily show you, we will try our best to describe in detail how to reach each location. The locations are shown in the order they appear in-game.
All Meditation Spot locations in Chapter 1
There are three Meditation Spots in Chapter 1 of Black Myth Wukong. Follow along to make sure you don’t miss any and so you can claim all three Sparks.
Meditation Spot location #1

After defeating the Bullguard boss at the starting level of Chapter 1, you’ll encounter a Meditation Spot on the main path. You’ll know you’re in the right spot when you find a building overlooking the forest. The Meditation Spot is inside the building near the ledge.
Meditation Spot location #2

The next Meditation Spot can be found after defeating Lingxuzi, the giant white bear boss. After defeating the boss, you’ll reach a new area called Bamboo Grove and the first Keeper Shrine of the area called Back Hills. From the Back Hills Keeper Shrine, go all the way down the rocky steps and immediately turn left when you reach the bottom. Here you will find an opening leading into a cave, where a Meditation Spot can be found.
The cave is really well hidden so here’s an image pointing it out:

Meditation Spot location #3

The third Meditation Spot of Chapter 1 can be found immediately after defeating the Whiteclad Noble boss. Once he is dead, you’ll find an opening leading into the Black Wind Cave. Head into the Black Wind Cave and take the first left to find a wooden platform and a Meditation Point overlooking the scenery.
All Meditation Spot locations in Chapter 2
Players can find six Meditation Spots in Chapter 2 of Black Myth Wukong. Due to the color of the area, they can be pretty easy to miss. Here is how to find all four Meditation Spots.
Meditation Spot location #1

The first Keeper Shrine you’ll find in Chapter 2 is the Village Entrance of Sandgate Village. Right below this Keeper Shrine is a cave, where you’ll discover an NPC who asks the player to kill a giant frog. Passing this NPC and heading north, you will find a stone structure with a Meditation Spot in front of it. Jump down to ground level and use it.
For reference, the image below shows the NPC (to the left up against the rock) and the arrow indicates which direction you need to head go to find the Meditation Spot.

Meditation Spot location #2

From the Rockrest Flat Keeper Shrine in the Fright Cliff region, head north until you reach the mountainside with an opening and a gate. Destroy the gate to reach a large open area and keep going straight until you find a funny-looking tree. In front of the tree is a Meditation Spot.
Meditation Spot location #3

The next Meditation Spot in Chapter 2 can be found after defeating the Stone Vanguard main boss. Once Stone Vanguard is defeated, head north through the arena to reach a new Keeper Shrine called Rock Clash Platform. Go past the Keeper Shrine on the main path to reach an enemy and a small staircase leading downward. Kill the enemy and progress down the stairs to find the Meditation Spot.
Meditation Spot location #4

Another Meditation Spot can be found immediately after arriving at the Crouching Tiger Temple. Go up the stairs of the temple, and before reaching the highest point, take the small staircase to the left. The Meditation Spot can be found in the corner of this area in front of a large statue of a lion.
Meditation Spot location #5

After defeating the Tiger Vanguard boss and using the Keeness of Tiger on the statue in the same arena, an entrance resembling the mouth of a tiger will appear from the ground. Go through the mouth to reach the Cellar Keeper Shrine. From the Cellar Keeper Shrine, progress down the hill to ground level and then and take a right up another hill to reach a large stone structure. Through the entrance of the stone structure, you’ll find a Meditation Point next to a small tree in the northeast corner.

Meditation Spot location #6

Players can find the last Meditation Spot of Chapter 2 in the secret area, Kingdom of Sahali. From the Sandgate Bound shrine, follow the path left all the way to the end to find a Meditation Spot on top of a rock.
All Meditation Spot locations in Chapter 3
There are five Meditation Spots to be found in Chapter 3 of Black Myth Wukong. Below are all five locations in the order they appear throughout the chapter.
Meditation Spot location #1

After the short sequence of turning into a bird and flying across the mountain, you’ll arrive at the Mirrormere Keeper’s Shrine near a frozen lake. At the edge of the frozen lake is a dock with a Meditation Spot.
Meditation Spot location #2

From the Precept Corridor Keeper’s Shrine (Bitter Lake), head downhill to find a Meditation Spot in front of a praying monk statue.
Meditation Spot location #3

After blessing the four monk statues and opening the new path, you’ll encounter the Yaogui Chief: Non-White miniboss. This is a two-phase boss fight, where you’ll fight him in one area, and then again later on in the level. The second time you fight Non White, you’ll find a Meditation Spot on the arena’s right side.
Meditation Spot location #4

Starting from the Outside the Wheel Keeper’s Shrine in the Pagoda Realm, follow the main path north until you reach a Celestial Medicine on a table.

Jump over the path and destroy the gate to uncover a hidden path. Follow the path to find a Meditation Spot in front of a small tree.
Meditation Spot location #5

Starting from the Mahavira Hall Keeper Shrine in Thunderclap Temple, go down the large staircase nearby and enter the building to the left. Inside the building, you will find a boss to defeat as well as a Meditation Spot.

All Meditation Spot locations in Chapter 4
Players can find six Meditation Spots in Chapter 4 of Black Myth Wukong. Here’s how to find all of them.
Meditation Spot location #1

The first Meditation Spot of Chapter 4 in Black Myth Wukong can be found in a body of water next to the Pool of Shattered Jade Keeper Shrine. If you haven’t found this specific Keeper Shrine, start from the Upper Hollow shrine and take the small staircase right next to it.

Continue forward until you find a wooden walkway leading off a cliff and jump down it. Next, continue down to the bottom level.

This will lead you to an area filled with bugs and hanging spider nests, where if you continue forward on the main path, you will eventually reach the Pool of Shattered Jade shrine and the Meditation Spot.
Meditation Spot location #2

The next Meditation Spot is about 20 feet from the Middle Hollow shrine. From the Middle Hollow Keeper Shrine, turn around and head toward the flaming cauldron at the edge of the cliff. Right next to the flame is a Meditation Spot.
Meditation Spot location #3

After defeating the Buddha’s Right Hand boss at the Cliff of Oblivion, proceed to the lower areas of the cave until you reach the Lower Hollow Keeper Shrine. From the shrine, go through the hanging cobwebs and hug the wall to the left until you find a crack in the wall.

Go through this crack to find a Meditation Spot on the other side.
Meditation Spot location #4

After defeating the Violet Spider main boss and reaching the Temple of Yellow Flowers, continue on the main path until you find the Forest of Ferocity Keeper Shrine. Take the first left near the shrine and you’ll see a wooden platform hanging off the cliff. The Meditation Spot is located on the wooden platform.
Meditation Spot location #5

Another Meditation Spot can be found near the Temple Entrance Keeper Shrine in the Temple of Yellow Flowers. Head up the stairs near the shrine to reach a building, and after going through it, immediately go right to find another building. Go through this second building and take a left to find a Meditation Spot sitting on a stone platform.
Meditation Spot location #6
The last Meditation Spot of Chapter 4 can be found in the secret area, Purple Cloud Mountain. To unlock this area you need to defeat Venom Doist near the Pool of Shattered Jade, and then beat him again at the Court of Illumination shrine. After you beat the boss for a second time, a wall will appear leading to Purple Cloud Mountain where you’ll find a Meditation Spot.
All Meditation Spot locations in Chapter 5
There are four Meditation Spots to be found in Chapter 5 of Black Myth Wukong. Luckily, most of them are on the main path and easy to find.
Meditation Spot location #1

The first Meditation Spot of Chapter 5 can be found north of the Camp of Seasons Shrine. Head over the bridge near the shrine and continue going straight, through the caves, until you reach a large brute enemy with an axe. Take a left to find a Meditation Spot resting on a wooden platform.
Meditation Spot location #2

A Meditation Spot can be found in Emerald Hall. From the Emerald Hall shrine, go up the stairs and take the first left onto the patio. A Meditation Spot can be found at the end of the patio.
Meditation Spot location #3

From the Ashen Pass III Keeper Shrine, go through the opening in the rocks on the right of the shrine. A Meditation Spot can be found nearby.
Medation Spot location #4

The last Meditation Spot in Chapter 5 can be found in the secret area, Bishui Cave. Players can reach Bishui cave by completing the Ox’s Elemental Cart quest. Head over to our guide on how to reach all secret areas in Black Myth Wukong for a full walkthrough of the quest.
All Meditation Spot locations in Chapter 6
There are no Meditation Spots in Chapter 6 of Black Myth Wukong, so you don’t have to worry about exploring much. Chapter 6 is the final stretch of the game, so be prepared for a tough boss fight by upgrading your armor and Gourd.
We hope this guide helped you find all the Meditation Spots in Black Myth Wukong. Make sure to check out our guide on how to find all Buddha’s Eyeballs and what they’re used for.
Published: Aug 25, 2024 05:02 pm