The latest letter from Age of Conan’s game director, Craig Morrison, has revealed details about the long-awaited veteran system, and the upcoming level 80 instance, The Iron Tower.Veteran players will have access to a new set of rewards, depending on how long they have been subscribing. Veteran points are awarded for each month players have paid for, and bonus points are awarded every six months.The items that veterans will have access to are mainly to offer convenience, or for social and cosmetic enhancement. Items such as mounts for alts and Feat reset costs are on offer under convenience, veteran items include boots, a cape and a bag, and social items include potions that make characters more muscular or, in typical AoC style, increase breast size (female only).The new level 80 instance, The Iron Tower, is a prison housing some of the most dangerous characters in Aquilonia. It contains four bosses and five mini bosses. There is also a chance that parties may encounter a rare boss on each visit.Find out more in the full director’s letter.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 28, 2009 02:01 pm