Codemasters now free to play MMORPG Archlord is to receive an all-new free expansion, Episode 3: Spirits Awakening. The update is due to go live in the next few weeks and Codemasters say it adds a further 30% more content to the game.Players can expect extra content, over 80 new class skills, new ruling Archlord skills and abilities, copllectible armour sets with unique stats as well as new monsters and boss zones.Ed Relf, Director of Marketing for Codemasters Online added, “We arepleased to be able to set out our exciting new expansion plans forArchLord. As recently announced ArchLord is now more popular than everwith thousands of new players taking up the challenge every day tocompete to become the games all-ruling leader! Episode 3 adds asignificant amount of new content to what is already a leading freeMMORPG and we look forward to delivering this free expansion to ourplayers in the coming weeks.”
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Jun 20, 2008 05:19 pm