Aliens vs Predator developer Rebellion studiously avoided questions on whether or not the forthcoming horror-shooter will have dedicated servers for its multiplayer.CVG, speaking to Rebellion’s assistant producer Eric Miller and senior producer David Brickley, asked “Are you guys going to have those dedicated servers the community so clearly expects?”I imagine there was silence, for a time. Maybe a sweatdrop and a few strained looks as Miller looked at Brickley, and they tried to telepathically communicate so that they could get out of the situation. All speculation, of course; they probably responded immediately. I prefer my thoughts, though, which end with them cackling and diving out of a window.”Well, the one thing I can say is obviously running an operation like that is monumentally expensive,” responded Brickley. “For the period the original was up, people who played that game got an incredible experience.””You know what the internet’s like. We’re obviously used to getting things for free over the years,” he added. “I guess on our side the thing we’re focusing on is whatever your set-up at home, you get the best possible experience from it. We’re just trying to use our time and resources wisely.”CVG attempted to clarify the matter, asking “So is that a yes or a no on the dedicated server question?”We’ll skip the sweatdrop-based fiction this time and go straight to Brickley’s response: “As I said the game is still quite a way from release so I guess there are other things to be determined during that time.”It’s not surprising that the team don’t want to answer that question at the moment, considering the furore that erupted when it was discovered that Modern Warfare 2 – and, to a lesser extent, Operation Flashpoint 2 – would not contain dedicated server support for PC multiplayer. From the sounds of it, it’s something the team wants to do, but this exchange makes it seem a bit unlikely.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Oct 28, 2009 10:35 am