EA’s BattleForge is one of the very first games to support DirectX 11.The card-based RTS has been patched to enable DirectX 11 support, which will let the game look better and yet run faster – there’s be a higher frame rate, but also new ways of dealing with graphical effects like shadows and lighting.Not that anyone will notice much of a difference in the game, as unless I’ve made a mistake we’re only now starting to see the very first DirectX 11 cards hitting the market, and Windows Vista doesn’t yet support DirectX 11, so we suspect the target demographic for this is going to be very, very small.I can’t say I expected BattleForge to be one of the very first games (if not the first) to support the new graphics API, but I can’t fault the marketing; a free-to-play game is a great way to show off the benefits of DirectX 11 to those capable of using it, while also convincing those with DirectX 11 cards to actually try the game out.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 1, 2009 09:04 am