BioWare has confirmed that Star Wars: The Old Republic’s focus on story will not interfere with its plans for the endgame. Speaking to IncGamers, BioWare’s James Ohlen said that the developer will have no problems enticing players back for more once they reach the max level.”Obviously the endgame of our game is very important and something we’ve put a lot of thought into, but at the end of the day, there’s a lot of different ways to do endgames,” said Ohlen.”I can’t go into detail on how we’re doing it, or if we’re doing those things [battlegrounds, endgame raids] or in what form they’re going to be coming, because we’re still working on that and developing it, but in no way does us focusing on story in any way challenge us in that area.”He added that the fact that each class in The Old Republic has its own story will add to the game’s replayability factor.”Just to give one example, if you were to play a Jedi Knight on the Republic side, and then if you were going to play the Bounty Hunter on the Imperial side, it’s actually like two different games,” he said.”None of the story content, none of the combat – none of it’s shared. So you essentially have just played two different MMOs.””You’re going to have a really epic, awesome ending when you finish your class story arc in this game, but that doesn’t mean that your character can’t continue,” he explained.Look out for our full video interview coming soon, and you can read our preview right here.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Nov 18, 2009 11:48 am