A leaked EA internal memo has indicated that the Command & Conquer franchise will be getting a “new digital model” and that Medal of Honor is set for a “re-invention.”The memo, acquired by Kotaku, is reportedly from EA Games Label’s senior VP Nick Earl.The memo contains information that the Command & Conquer franchise will “transform with a new digital model that is going to re-ignite the fan base for this franchise,” with the assistance of Jon Van Caneghem, ex-employee at Trion World Network – whch is currently working on MMO Heroes of Telara.This follows news that the core C&C4 team will be let go, along with over a thousand other EA employees – despite “quality, sales, and segment share up so far this year,” according to EA CEO John Riccitiello.Also mentioned in the memo is the rumoured Medal of Honor revamp. The memo describes it as “simply stunning,” noting that “[EALA studio head] Sean Decker and Greg Goodrich have been leading a re-invention” of the World War II-based first-person shooter franchise.”We couldn’t be happier with the focus and progress these teams have shown,” writes Earl.The memo also outlines EA’s “fewer things better initiative,” presumably designed around focusing on a fewer number of titles in an effort to boost quality.We’re not sure how the fanbase is going to treat another change of direction with C&C, but we’re impressed with the work going into Command & Conquer 4. Hopefully, it’ll be a fine swansong for the employees.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 18, 2009 02:25 pm