A FAQ posted on the official Witcher website further addresses the leak and concerns that have sprung up because of it.In case you missed the news, a video leaked earlier this week showed off a very early build of The Witcher 2, an unannounced sequel to one of 2007’s great RPGs. It transpired that the video was something shopped around to publishers, and was far from representative of final quality, but more details have now been posted on the official site – not least the hopes that the game will see a console release.The FAQ confirms that the video shows off a very early alpha version of the game, created six months ago, and that it doesn’t touch at all on the story – which will inevitably be one of the pillars of the game when it’s released. Don’t expect that release any time soon, however, as The Witcher 2 “is still deeply in the development stage,” and CD Projekt RED will need to first find a publisher.The game itself will be worked on by much the same team as the original, with the FAQ noting that 50+ members from the original team have remained, and that the recent job cuts were more to do with the hold on the development of The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf for consoles. On that note, however, “Although PC is certain choice we made regarding platforms for The Witcher 2, we also want to release the console version,” so fans wanting a Witcher game on console will hopefully see the sequel there.And for those worrying, all of the voices in the video were placeholders. As if you couldn’t have guessed.Sadly, this is likely to be the last we hear of the title for awhile. The FAQ notes that, other than itself, there are no plans for further materials to be released. “An official trailer and other stuff will be done with our publisher, and it won’t be very soon.”
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 23, 2009 03:19 pm