Champions Online developers have put heir heads together to update players on a number of upcoming features in the game, and to remind them on what’s on offer in-game right now, in the latest State of the Game report.Executive producer Bill Roper attempts to put out some of the fires that have sprung up in the community recently, regarding costume pieces. Since the recent introduction of the C-Store, where players hand over real cash to gain access to in-game items, players feared that we’d seen an end to free new costume pieces. Bill points out all the free items available to players in the current Blood Moon event, which includes the celestial costume set and other assorted items.He goes on to mention a few upcoming features in the game that everyone should be pleased about; Retcons, which currently set players back a hefty in-game fee, or can be purchased in the C-Store for £7.50 GBP, should hopefully be granted to players for free at level 40 along with a free character slot.Another nifty feature will be the ability to use unlocked costume pieces on any character on the same account. A ‘Flashbacks’ system is in the works too, allowing players to go back and repeat missions they have already done, and a new repeatable lair with ‘very special’ villains and one that will “shake you to the core of your reality”.But he doesn’t stop there; thanks to feedback from players, Bill points out a couple of new additions to the game. Crossover missions allow players in a team to share missions with each other, regardless of whether or not the other player is eligible for them or has completed them already. All team members are rewarded for these missions.Finally, Bill talks about a very big surprise that will hit the game early next year, after the winter event they’re working on right now. Players should also be glad to hear that Cryptic is doing another pass over powers, including Travel powers.Check out our review, which went up this morning, to find out more about the game as it is right now.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 29, 2009 03:48 pm