Cryptic Studios has polled its Champions Online players on areas that they would like to see in the game in future.There are various options presented to fans, from dark gritty urban streets to historical time travel locations, but Cryptic was quick to point out that the most popular choice isn’t guaranteed to be implemented. At the time of writing, the type of area that has received the most votes by a clear margin is Outer Space (Moon, Mars, Alien Worlds). Champions Online did originally have a moon base area planned, but the zone was scrapped fairly early on in development.In another Dev Blog today, poster Chronomancer, aka design director Bill Roper, spoke about upcoming economy changes, and also explained the reasons behind Cryptic’s decision not to change retcon pricing over the last week.He reveals that Cryptic is increasing the number of white upgrade drops in the world by a “substantial amount”, almost double that of what drops now. Players will also get a lot more for selling white primaries to vendors but a little less for higher-end items, such as blues and purples.However, retcon pricing will be changing:“The retcon pricing curve is going to be much gentler so that players can undo more decisions at any time. It’s important to note that although we’re tuning the overall costing model of retcon during this phase, a substantial retcon will still have a high price. The heroic, thematic nature of the game doesn’t support letting players constantly change their fundamental character concept. But at the same time we want to make it possible for them to completely retcon their character if it’s their goal.”Roper also added that a free retcon will be available to all heroes when the economy changes go live.To help test out these changes, sign up to join the Champions Online test shard and give your feedback.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Sep 18, 2009 04:05 pm