Rockstar Games’ Dan Houser has casually hinted at a fifth Grand Theft Auto game.Speaking to the Times Online in an extensive interview Houser covers all the bases, from the initial designs of GTA through to the controversy surrounding violent videogames.The one thing of biggest note, though, is likely to be news on what Houser is set to work on. The Times Online article reads: “As for the boys themselves, they are already back at work. There’s a Western game in the works for next spring, and the next GTA to think of. ‘We’ll think of a city first, then the characters,’ said Houser. The script he will end up co-writing will run to around 1,000 pages, nearly ten times as much as a feature film.”Which doesn’t reveal much, admittedly, although judging by the tenses it seems like work has yet to begin, which – if true – could make those previous rumours a bit silly. The “Western game” is Red Dead Redemption, which looks awfully pretty.The most recent GTA release was The Ballad of Gay Tony, which appears to finish off the GTA IV plot arc. Check out the Meet Tony Prince video here.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Nov 16, 2009 10:07 am