Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn An Impossible Task Saint 14 Perfect Paradox Corridors Of Time Guide

Destiny 2: Season of Dawn – Completing An Impossible Task and saving Saint-14

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

Now that you’ve obtained Destiny 2: Season of Dawn‘s version of the Perfect Paradox shotgun, it’s time to meet its original wielder. It’s none other than the legendary Titan Saint-14. The lengthy questline called “An Impossible Task” will have additional steps each week while taking you through the Corridors of Time. It’ll culminate in the full revival of Saint-14. Here’s our guide on how to make “An Impossible Task” possible in order to see the return of a long-dead hero.

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Note: For more information, check out our Destiny 2: Season of Dawn guides and features hub.

Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn An Impossible Task Saint 14 Perfect Paradox Corridors Of Time Guide Osiris 1

An Impossible Task: Week 1 – The Vex boxes

After Osiris gives you the Perfect Paradox shotgun, he’ll offer you a new quest called “An Impossible Task.” It’s fairly lengthy given that (a) you’re going around various planets to find Vex parts, and (b) each week adds more objectives for you to complete.

For the first week, you’ll need to find the Vex parts scattered around in Nessus, Mercury, and Io. You obtain these by shooting the Vex boxes (or relays) in specific locations. Although these spots are marked on your directory map, they won’t appear via your minimap unless you’re close. As such, you’ll need to have a keen eye.

Note: If you plan on doing the quest on your alts, you’ll have to start from scratch. The good thing is that you don’t need to wait an extra week for additional steps to become available (in case they’ve been unlocked globally).

Nessus Vex Parts

The first vex component found on Nessus is in the Chamber of Water. Fast travel to the Exodus Black and head to the lower cavern to the right of your spawn area. The relay box is floating above the first room with mobs just before you enter a portal.

Vex Parts Nessus Map 1

Fast travel back to the Exodus Black and make your way to the Glade of Echoes. Near the area with ship debris and roaming Fallen, you’ll find the next relay box.

Vex Parts Nessus Map 2

Fast travel to Artifact’s Edge. Turn around — seriously, turn around — and you’ll spot the next Vex relay box on a distant platform. Go snipe it.

Vex Parts Nessus Map 3

Jump down and ride your sparrow until you reach the Hallows. In the area where the public event starts, you’ll find another box.

Vex Parts Nessus Map 4

The last one on Nessus is at the Tangled. Make your way there past this giant orb. You’ll spot it underneath the big tree.

Vex Parts Nessus Map 5a

Vex Parts Nessus Map 5b

Mercury Vex parts

Once you spawn at Mercury’s Lighthouse, head to the back. The first Vex relay box is floating right above.

Vex Parts Mercury Map 1a

The second one is straight ahead where the entrance to the Infinite Forest is. It’s high up top the entrance so just snipe it from afar.

Vex Parts Mercury Map 2

Box #3 is at the far right-hand edge when you look at the map. It’s on a narrow ledge.

Vex Parts Mercury Map 3

Go all the way to the left side this time straight to the “Vex waterfall.” There’s a relay box below behind the pool.

Vex Parts Mercury Map 4

Vex Parts Mercury Map 4b

Finally, look at the massive floating platform (where you do part of the public event). The last box is floating there. You don’t need a public event to be active since you can just snipe it.

Vex Parts Mercury Map 5

Io Vex parts

It’s time to find all the Vex parts on Io. The first one is outside the Pyramidion. On the right-hand side (facing the Pyramidion’s drop point), there’s a slanted wall that you can climb on top of. Climb around this nook to find the Vex relay box.

Io Map 1 An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Box #2 is inside the Sanctum of Bones lost sector. Make your way to the top until you spot the Taken psions. Look below you and you’ll spot a small cave. The Vex relay box is inside.

Io Map 2a An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Io Map 2b An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Fast travel to the Lost Oasis and head to the giant tree. You’ll find what you’re looking for there.

Io Map 3a An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Io Map 3b An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Fast travel to Giant’s Scar. Go through the base and up the hillside path. That’s the entrance to Excavation Site II where you’ll find the relay box.

Io Map 4a An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Io Map 4b An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Fast travel to Giant’s Scar (again). This time, get on your sparrow and go ahead to the transition point between this zone and Lost Oasis. You’ll spot the final relay box here.

Io Map 5a An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Io Map 5b An Impossible Task Saint 14 Corridors of Time

Beating up some robots

When you’re done, you’ll have to defeat 25 powerful Vex (yellow bars) and get 50 precision kills against Vex opponents. These will net you components that are needed for the quest.

You can easily do this by going to the Artifact’s Edge on Nessus and doing a few runs inside the Orrery lost sector. Alternatively, if there’s a Vex Spire public event at the Exodus Black, go do that since even the exploding fanatics count as powerful enemies.

Vex Parts Kill Components

The Corridors of Time: Week 1 – Fallen

Now that you’ve obtained all the Vex parts, return to Osiris. He’ll tell you about his plans to save Saint-14. You’ll have to do so by completing the Corridors of Time mission.

Seeing is believing and the Corridors of Time mission, without a doubt, is one of the eeriest locations in Destiny 2. The art design is top-notch, giving you some mystifying vibes.

Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn An Impossible Task Saint 14 Perfect Paradox Corridors Of Time Guide Entrance 1

Make your way through the various rooms, taking out numerous Vex foes. Eventually, you’ll reach an open area where the Vex and Fallen are fighting. This is a recounting of a battle in Mercury’s past, one that Saint-14 took part in.

Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn An Impossible Task Saint 14 Perfect Paradox Corridors Of Time Guide Walker Servitor

As you make your way onwards, you’ll spot the lone Titan standing inside his Ward of Dawn bubble against the Fallen onslaught. There are numerous enemies here such as captains, shanks, and more. However, your main targets are the Fallen servitor (to remove shielding/immunity) and the Fallen spider walker tank (which will end the fight).

Keep staying inside Saint-14’s bubble to nullify damage, all while sniping and rocketing your targets. Once the walker tank is dead, Saint-14 will thank you. You can then arm him with the Perfect Paradox shotgun. Likewise, you’ll tell him of a future that he helped create.

Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn An Impossible Task Saint 14 Perfect Paradox Corridors Of Time Guide End Mission

An Impossible Task: Week 2 – The Vex transponders

You’re not done yet because another week brings us new objectives for the “An Impossible Task” quest chain. The quest steps were compiled by Reddit user iiDutchboyy who, as far as I know, was the first player to have found all the locations while subsequently providing videos of these.

The goal this time around is to plant Vex transponders throughout Nessus. They’re marked on your map, though some spots can be harder to spot or get to.

Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn An Impossible Task Saint 14 Perfect Paradox Corridors Of Time Guide Week 2

Exodus Black transponder

From the fast travel point, jump on top of the rock formation where the Nessus Obelisk is. Look across and you’ll find the transponder circle there.

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 1

Watcher’s Grave transponder

From the fast travel point, make your way to where the public event usually occurs. You’ll see the transponder location in the distance next to several Vex mobs.

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 2

Chamber of Water transponder

Fast travel once more to Watcher’s Grave and head through the Vex portal that takes you to the Chamber of Water. Avoid the mobs while making your way through the cavern. You’ll find the transponder location nearby.

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 4

The Hallows transponder

Fast travel back to Watcher’s Grave and head south until you reach The Hallows. You’ll spot a rock formation east of the public event area. Climb on top and around the pillars to get to the transponder.

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 3

The Tangle transponder

The transponder in the Tangle zone can take a while to get to. That’s because it’s not found in the zone itself. You’ll have to make your way to the entrance of the Insight Terminus strike is (the one against the Cabal psion Kargen):

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 5a

Go past the mobs until you reach the large cavernous area with multiple enemies:

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 5b

Jump across the chasm and you’ll find the transponder circle:

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 5c

The Cistern transponder

Fast travel to the Cistern and head to the massive tower where the Well of Flame is. You’ll find yourself on a lake of Vex milk:

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 6a

Instead of going straight to the tower, look to your left. There’s a ledge here with the Vex transponder:

An Impossible Task Saint 14 Week 2 Nessus 6b

Finding Saint-14’s Ghost

After planting all the transponders, you’ll have to find Saint-14’s Ghost. The map tells us that it’s somewhere near the Lost Fuselage. But, how do we get there?

Ghost Nessus Map 1

Fast travel to the Cistern’s spawn area and move forward until you spot a hole in the wall. This takes you to the cavern where your Ghost first told you about Vex milk in Destiny 2‘s campaign.

Continue onward and you’ll find a room with a Vex totem. Interact with it and it’ll fire a beam that activates a teleporter:

Ghost Nessus Map 2

Go through the portal and you’ll find yourself in a room filled with dead robots. Saint-14’s ghost can be found underneath a pile of mecha-corpses:

Ghost Nessus Map 3

Here’s a YouTube video from iiDutchboyy:

Guardian killing

Head back to Osiris and he’ll tell you that you need to power-up the Ghost. To do so, you’ll have to take out several Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit. Here are the requirements:

  • 25x Guardians defeated (do this in the Crucible)
  • 25x Super ability kills (do this in Gambit)
  • 25x Orbs of light collected (do this in Gambit)

When you’re done, speak to Osiris once more. You can activate the Sundial which lets you start another Corridors of Time mission. Watch the YouTube video below also from iiDutchboyy:

The Corridors of Time: Week 2 – Vex

Once again, you’ll take part in an epic mission to help out Saint-14. This time, you’re up against countless Vex opponents in Mercury’s dark future. Saint-14 remains trapped and, in order to help him, you’ll have to defeat the Vex bosses in the area.

Agioktis, the Martyr Mind, will continuously spawn more enemies and bosses for you to take out. You’ll be notified that “a minotaur has appeared,” which is your cue to kill the giant Vex minotaur that’s rampaging in the area. It’ll drop an orb which you can dunk on a panel.

After you’ve dunked three orbs, you’ll be detained at the mercy of the Vex. But, just when all hope is lost, Saint-14 headbutts everything into oblivion. Watch the cinematic and head back to the Sundial so that Osiris can congratulate you on your efforts.

There’s just one problem: Saint-14 isn’t in the Tower yet. He’ll likely drop by once the next weekly reset happens on December 24 at 10 a.m. Pacific.

Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn An Impossible Task Saint 14 Perfect Paradox Corridors Of Time Guide Cinematic

That does it for our guide on how to make “An Impossible Task” possible, all while rescuing Saint-14 in the Corridors of Time. Destiny 2: Season of Dawn is currently available on Steam. For more information, check out our complete guides and features hub.

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Image of Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez is a guides writer. Most of his work can be found on PC Invasion (around 3,400+ published articles). He's also written for IGN, GameSpot, Polygon, TechRaptor, Gameskinny, and more. He's also one of only five games journalists from the Philippines. Just kidding. There are definitely more around, but he doesn't know anyone. Mabuhay!