Codemasters has revealed the release date for Colin McRae Dirt 2 on the PC today as part of the Windows 7 launch.At Microsoft’s New York Windows 7 launch event, Codemasters was keen to show the latest Colin McRae title with its DX11 enhanced features. The publisher also announced that the game will be released on 1 December in North America and 4 December here in the UK.According to Codies, the DX11 features will improve the appearance of water and other surfaces as well as crowd animations. The performance of Shader Model 5.0 will also aid in creating a richer 3D experience, enhancing key image quality parameters such as depth of field as well as ambient occlusion and shadows.“The opportunity to enter into a strategic relationship with Microsoft to fuse key DirectX 11 technologies with Codemasters’ EGO™ Engine and set the new standard in race gaming on home computers was irresistible,” said Bryan Marshall, chief technical officer, Codemasters.“By taking advantage of the DirectX 11 feature set included in Windows 7, including hardware tessellation, multi-threading and Shader Model 5.0, we will deliver the most immersive and realistic off-road racing experience yet and set the technical benchmark in the genre.”For more info and a video showing the DX11 features in action head to the official website.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 22, 2009 03:31 pm