The second update for the now free Dungeons and Dragons Online has been released.The update from Turbine includes the new Adventure Pack: Dreaming Dark and holiday themed items which are available in the DDO store. Turbine is also offering a 20 per cent quest XP boost from 18 Dec 2009 to 4 Jan 2010.”For thousands of years the Dreaming Dark has watched and waited in our dreams. Now at long last it strikes. Horrific creatures from the Plane of Nightmares threaten to overrun Xen’drik and it’s up to you to defeat them. Explore five new dungeons that will send you back in time, explain ancient mysteries of the Giants, and take you to the Plane of Nightmares itself. Dreaming Dark is free to all DDO VIPs and available immediately. It will be available for purchase in the DDO Store on Friday, December 18.”Celebrate Festivult! – Throughout the holiday season, every treasure chest in the game has a chance of dropping “festival coins” in addition to the usual treasure! Whether the chest is in a free dungeon or an adventure pack, there is equal opportunity for coins! Coins are turned in to The Festivult Jester will exchange them for gifts crafted specially for the season from House Ghallanda and House Cannith!”DDO Store Catalog Expands – Players can now choose from a host of new items and improvements being added to the new DDO Store including increased stack sizes, special holiday deals and items like snowballs, +4 items and great specials on Turbine Point bundles.”For more info head to the offical website.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Dec 16, 2009 06:46 pm