NCSoft has released the third Aion video podcast, where the developers talk about the highly anticipated MMORPG, which will hit NA and Europe towards the end of this month.Lani Blazier reveals that Aion has been such a smash hit in Korea, it has shattered numerous records. By the time Aion arrives in the west, it will have been live in Korea for almost a year, meaning we will benefit from a year of patching and balancing.The video gives us plenty of impressive footage that shows various mobs, environments and encounters. We also get to see what the number one ranked player in the abyss gets as a reward; The ability to look like a raid boss, and cause a lot of damage while being able to take a lot too seems a fitting reward for such a task.Developers also assure potential players that the game was designed from the start to reach a global audience. Visuals were designed with this in mind, and characters, which would never be bulky or unattractive in Korea, have many more design options as a result. The team behind Aion believe barriers like this are starting to break down.See the video, which also includes a couple of exciting bits of news about the game, on IncGamers TV.New to Aion? See our hands-on previews here.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 11, 2009 02:09 pm