Bethesda has announced that the Fallout 3 DLC packs for the PlayStation 3 will be coming thick and fast over the next few weeks, and that the Game of the Year edition of the popular title will be out soon after.PS3 users, your wait is almost over, as starting from next week you’ll be getting rapid launches of all five DLC packs for Fallout 3. Yesterday, an update for Fallout 3 was put onto the PSN which addressed some issues, worked in some optimisations, and added trophy support for the DLC. When’s the DLC coming? Well:Broken Steel – 24 SeptemberOperation: Anchorage – 1 OctoberThe Pitt – 1 OctoberPoint Lookout – 8 OctoberMothership Zeta – 8 OctoberThe week after that on 16 October users on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 will be able to purchase the Game of the Year edition of Fallout 3, which contains the game, all five DLC packs, and the title updates needed to play the DLC.The Game of the Year edition will cost £39.99 GBP/€59.99 EUR on console, or £29.99 GBP/€49.99 EUR on PC.No word on whether PS3 users will be getting a free theme of their own or whether the GotY edition will include said free theme on 360, but we doubt it as the “free” part was to reward players who’ve stuck with the game, we thought. If you’re interested in our thoughts on the DLC – and why wouldn’t you be? – check out that page for links to our reviews.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 18, 2009 08:41 am