When the European trademark filing for Fallout 4 appeared back on 17 November we were sceptical about it’s authenticity but thought there was a possibility it was legitimate. It now appears it was indeed a fake.
A spate of fake filings for videogames have been popping up in the past few months, the most notable being for Half Life 3 in October. It appears the hilarious prankster was at it again and filed the trademark for Fallout 4 which has now vanished from the EU trademark database.
So what does this mean for Fallout 4 and the survivor2299 website which has kept the Fallout community hooked for the past few weeks? Right now it’s hard to tell if the same individual has taken a fake trademark filing one step further by creating the site or whether there really is some substance to all the teasing through the mysterious site.
With the trademark now removed it will be interesting to see what happens to the teaser site, will it go dark? Will the clues continue to appear because it’s in fact legitimate? The next 24 hours could be interesting. We do hope the site is a legitimate Bethesda marketing campaign because it’s been a lot of fun following it. Peter even admitted to learning some morse code in this week’s podcast where we discussed the Fallout 4 mystery.
As you know we’ve been keeping a keen eye on the developments every day so as soon as something happens we’ll let you know.
Thanks Feannag in the comments and for the tip and CVG.
Published: Nov 28, 2013 04:59 pm