Siding with a faction in Fallout London will change your experience of the game as more missions and their results become available. Personally, I love to choose the most immoral, weird faction I can just to see how creative the writers have been.
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All factions in Fallout London
Fallout London’s add-on to the game includes an amazing seven factions. None of these will be from the previous games, either. The team at FOLON has ensured that good old Great Britain is perfectly unique. Just make sure your game is running smoothly enough to not close every time you load them though.

These guys lock themselves away behind the walls of Westminster, looking down on the rabble struggling to survive below them. They are made up of the landed gentry and politicians from before the bombs began to fall and still believe in their right to rule. The Gentry faction believes that London can be returned to its former glory, but they rule with an iron fist, dedicated to squeezing prospective citizens dry.
The 5th Column

If the pomp and posturing of the Gentry have rubbed you up the wrong way, you may be tempted to side with The 5th Column faction in Fallout London. However, take a look at their manifesto before you jump in and start running their missions.
The 5th Column dreams of pulling London down to rubble and rebuilding again. They want to reshape the city in the image of their leader, taking the Gentry down with them. Although a restart may seem like a valid option, their fascist beliefs may not be the answer you want.
Every ruling class needs its tools to do the dirty work. This is where the Tommy faction comes into play in Fallout London. Despite having good intentions to clean up and restore the city, they have become the pawns of the elite. They patrol the walls of Westminster, dressed in WW1 uniforms. However, although they have their own plans of peace and prosperity, they really only end up being the heavy boot of the ruling class.
The Vagabonds
If I meet a group of street toughs on the road as I stagger from whatever hangover I happen to be suffering from, and they immediately welcome me in, give me a switchblade, and go on their merry way, I will be loyal to them for life. This is the opening of Fallout London, and therefore, leave The Vagabonds faction as one of my favorites for me.

As an offshoot of The Isle of Dogs Syndicate, they are trying to help rather than oppress. Despite their dreams of empowering the citizens and forming some kind of community after the war, they are not focused. They have a real chip on their shoulder about the Syndicate, and it’s fogging their original aims.
However, you can find your first beer coaster very early on in their hideout.
The Isle of Dogs Syndicate
A typical mafia-style gang that has become fantastically wealthy from smuggling and other illicit activities. However, they are constantly under the yoke of The Gentry, whom they pay a cut of everything they make.
This faction in Fallout London wouldn’t mind a reshuffle of power in the city, and they would love to see the Vagabonds off their back.
Angel Faction
A core narrative driving force in Fallout London is the mystery behind Angel and just who they are. Some say they are a secret science government group from before the war. Some folk believe they are spies and manipulators. Either way, they have eyes and ears everywhere and take a certain interest in you, the player.
There always has to be one faction with good intentions and a clear-cut way to reach them. The Camelot faction plays that role in Fallout London, dreaming of a better city. They want a republic to be set up, offering space for anyone who wants representation. The wanna-be knights dream of the downfall of The Gentry and peace for all Britons. They have been forced underground and quietly try to bring peace to the city above.
Which faction should you join in Fallout London?

The writing team at FALON has done a wonderful job of fleshing out their world; the options are all excellent. What it really comes down to is how you feel when playing it. Each experience will be different, and who you choose to have as allies and enemies is totally up to you. There are no right answers.
However, the game has three main factions: Camelot, The 5th Column, and The Angels. The other three factions are minor, and you can choose between them. They won’t have an impact on the endgame.
The three core factions can be summed up like this:
- Camelot – Moral, fair, underground.
- The 5th Column – Totalitarian, Iron Fist, Dictators.
- The Angels – Mysterious, Scientific, Possibly already in control.
Take your pick.
How to join The Vagabonds
As you stumble from the wreckage of the train you will almost immediately meet this faction in Fallout London. They seem a little rough at first, but they’re more than accommodating and will welcome you to help them out.
Continue with a few missions, picked up from their base in their pub, and you’ll be one of the boys.
How to join the Isle of Dog Syndicate

During the quest line for Sebastian Gaunt in the Vagabonds, you will be presented with the option to join the Isle of Dogs Syndicate.
How to join the Gentry
I’m afraid you’ve been born wrong. Your blood isn’t blue enough, and you’ll never be welcome amongst the Gentry in Fallout London. However, you can work alongside them, currying favor. Helping the renowned Tenpenny get up to his old tricks is certainly a step in the right direction.
The Gentry is tied to the Angels storyline.
How to join The Angels faction
Playing through the storyline of Fallout London will eventually bring you into contact with the Angels faction. I won’t spoil the narrative.
How to join Camelot
After the War Games quest, the Factions really become available. Once you have completed this quest, check your map to find the Camelot camp. Approach the camp and speak to Lancelot at the gate. Talking to him will set you on the quest to join the Camelot faction in Fallout London.
How to join The 5th Column
As you progress through the storyline to the War Games quest, you will have the choice to visit the 5th Column. Head to their base marked on the map to find out if their ideologies match up with yours. Be aware that joining these will prevent you from joining the other two main factions.
Fallout London faction exclusive rewards and companions
There are a few companions and rewards that can be unlocked only through faction progression.
- Camelot – Pendragon (Companion)
- 5th Column – John Smith (Companion)
Published: Aug 7, 2024 10:49 am