Favor is incredibly important in Age of Mythology: Retold, as it allows you to use the mighty abilities the Gods bestow upon you. As the abilities get more expensive with each use, you’ll need to keep ahead of the curve.
Every faction generates favor differently in Age of Mythology: Retold, and so you’ll need to know the best strategy for each one of them.
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Best Greek Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold

When it comes to gathering Favor in Age of Mythology: Retold, the Greeks are pretty hands-on. They’ll be actively worshipping at the Temple to increase Favor production, but the added task can put a strain on your other resource productions.
Considering that there’s no upper floor for worshippers, the Greeks don’t benefit from any technologies or God Powers that can help increase their Favor yield. However, Zeus starts with 10 Favor and generates Favor 20% faster, making him the best God for Favor production.
All Greek favor buildings in Age of Mythology Retold
When playing as the Greeks in Age of Mythology: Retold, you’ll want to build a Temple as fast as you can.
For a mere 150 Wood and 150 Gold, you can build a Temple, and one’s all you need. On their own, these Temples won’t produce any Favor at all. by selecting a Worker and right-clicking the Temple, however, you’ll begin producing Favor. Each extra worker will lower the generation rate per Worker, but you’ll still be receiving more Favor than before, even if only slightly.

When it comes to praying at the Temple, I typically assign around 10% of my Workers to the Temple. If you’re in desperate need of Favor, you can always up it to 15% or even 20%, but be very careful of the diminishing returns. Also, you won’t want to sacrifice resource generation by pulling your workers away.
You should build the Temple as soon as possible, then slowly drip-feed Workers to pray till around 10% of your max is always praying at a time.
Best Egyptian Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold

To generate favor in Age of Mythology: Retold, the Egyptians erect incredible monuments, but each one needs to be built before you can build a bigger and more expensive one. Some minor Gods also unlock Research that increases Favor generation.
Let’s get into the best strategy for Favor generation as the Egyptians in Age of Mythology: Retold.
All Egyptian favor buildings in Age of Mythology Retold
The Egyptians have a chain of five Monuments that will slowly generate Favor. These Monuments get more expensive as you build more of them, although the final Monument will provide more Favor than the others.

Some Egyptian major Gods will buff these Monuments, so make sure you’re aware of what bonus you’re receiving from the Gods.
Here is a full list of all five Monuments the Egyptians can build, how much they cost, and how much they generate:
Egyptian Monument | Monument Cost | Monument Favor Production |
Monument to Villagers | 50 Food 50 Gold | 0.1/s |
Monument to Soldiers | 75 Food 75 Gold | 0.1/s |
Monument to Priests | 150 Food 150 Gold | 0.1/s |
Monument to Pharaohs | 200 Food 200 Gold | 0.1/s |
Monument to Gods | 700 Food 700 Gold | 0.2/s |
So with all five Monuments built without any buffs, you’ll be earning 0.6 Favor a second.
The best strategy here would be to build at least the first three before the second age, as they’re rather cheap and will set you up for the second age as you’ll have a good Favor backing for the new Mythic troops.
You should build the Monument to Gods before the fourth age, ideally. Depending on your personal playstyle and strategy, it may make more sense for you to prioritize the fourth age and then beeline to build the final Monument afterward.
As this is all you have for Favor production, you’ll be relying on getting the Monuments up as quickly as you can. After the Monuments, the only way to up Favor production is through technology.
All Egyptian favor technologies in Age of Mythology Retold

The Egyptians have two Gods that will benefit their Favor production, but you won’t be able to benefit from both of them, as they are both second age Gods.
Anubis (available from Set or Isis) unlocks the Necropolis technology, which once researched for 45 Wood and 135 Gold, permanently increases the Favor generated by Monuments by a small percent (first four Monuments will now produce 0.13 Favor per second, and the final Monument will now produce 0.25 Favor per second).
Bast (available from Isis or Ra) grants you her God Power: Eclipse. Eclipse turns night into day for 80 seconds, and this provides a variety of buffs, including temporarily increasing Favor production of your Monuments (first four Monuments will now produce 0.15 Favor per second, and the final Monument will now produce 0.3 Favor per second).
The best minor God for Favor production here is Anubis, as although it’s a smaller increase, it’s permanent. Bast’s Eclipse is still a fantastic ability for its other buffs, although if you wish to focus on Favor production, you may want to pass.
Ultimately, the best God to choose is Isis, for she allows you to choose either Anubis or Bast at the second Age, allowing for flexibility. Additionally, Empowered Monuments generate Favor 100% faster with Isis, leading to some serious gains if you play your cards right.
Best Norse Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold

The Norse in Age of Mythology: Retold has a very on-brand way of producing Favor. It comes from a select caste of warriors and by attacking things. By fielding a large army and using it, you’ll be drowning in Favor.
Only one of the Norse Gods helps them with their Favor production by buffing the production of Hersirs.
All Norse Favor damage values in Age of Mythology Retold

The primary method of Favor gathering for the Norse is through damaging things. Damaging buildings and attacking units (even animals!) will net you Favor. This means that going on smaller raids against your adversaries is a viable plan of action.
Damaging stronger and more valuable things will net you much more Favor, and the list from best value to worst value goes roughly as follows:
- Wonders
- Important and production buildings
- Cheaper buildings, heroes, and strong myth units
- Human units, minor myth units, boats, and siege weapons
- Weak animals and militia
As any of your soldiers attack, you’ll be earning Favor. This means that you’ll mostly be popping off God Powers during the action, which is mainly when you use them, anyway. Instead of storing big banks of Favor, the Norse people generate it as they need it, so don’t get too concerned about this.
It’s worth noting here that Odin grants an extra 10% Favor when Great Hall units attack, making him an excellent choice of God for Favor gain.
In the early game, the Norse are keener to get a military going, considering how easy it is to train Berserkers. I’d suggest scouting out your enemy the moment the game starts, and amassing a small force to strike your foe. This will whittle them down, stress them out, and will generate Favor, which you can then use to attack the player further. You can do this as many times as you wish, but be careful and don’t over-extend.
This does promote hunting as a means of gathering food, as that will also gain you some Favor to start you off with a decent foundation. Instead of gathering berries, I’d recommend you send your Workers hunting.
You can passively get Favor, however, with the Hersirs.
All Norse favor units in Age of Mythology Retold

The Hersirs in Age of Mythology: Retold are brutes of warriors produced from the Temple, for 80 Food, 40 Gold, and 3 Population.
In the early game, this makes them a very costly unit to produce, and even in the late game can really eat into your population, causing you to have to expand and build more houses to accommodate them.
Despite their costliness, one Hersir only produces 0.01 Favor a second. As your primary income of Favor is through battle, the Hersirs are just the cherry on top. If you have a large army, which is always desirable, then making many Hersirs may be the way to go.
If I’m playing with Thor, then I’ll typically produce at least ten Hersirs when I start to get my military going to establish a decent production whenever I’m not raiding. As my population limit expands and I build more units, I’ll typically throw in another order of five until I’m no longer concerned with Favor production, which varies from match to match.
Conveniently being warriors, the Hersirs are great raiding candidates.
All Norse favor technologies in Age of Mythology Retold

If you’re playing with Thor in Age of Mythology: Retold, you’ll gain access to the Hammer of Thunder technology. With this researched, your Hersirs will be producing double the Favor, at a rate of 0.02 Favor a second.
This costs 125 Gold and 10 Favor and can be researched from the Great Hall.
If you’re playing with Thor, make sure to get this technology up as soon as possible. This will halve your need for Hersirs, opening up slots for other units.
Best Atlantean Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold

The Atlantean’s way of gaining Favor in Age of Mythology: Retold is a rather strange one. You must send out Oracles into the world, but they can’t be near each other, making them easy targets for your enemies.
There are a couple of researches you can unlock through Gods to help you out, however, no God has a passive benefit for Favor generation like in the other Pantheons.
All Atlantean favor units in Age of Mythology Retold

Oracles are who you’ll be using to generate Favor as the Atlanteans in Age of Mythology: Retold. Upon selecting one, you’ll notice that they each have a wide radius around them. This radius is their own area, and if other Oracles’ areas touch or invade each other, their Favor production will suffer.
When an Oracle’s radius is uninterrupted by another Oracle, they can produce 0.08 Favor a second.
These Oracles double as scouts, although they’re not very good ones. As an Oracle moves, their Favor generation resets and their line of sight decreases. For both to go back up to max, they’ll have to stay still.
This means that you must spread your Oracles out, keep them separate, and keep them stationary, making them prime targets for enemy attacks. You’ll ideally want a soldier or two with the more vulnerable Oracles, at least for the early game to secure your Favor production.
You can ascend Oracles to Heroes for 40 Food, 60 Gold, and one Favor. This will increase all of their stats, including their Favor production up to a maximum of 0.11 Favor a second. It’s worth promoting your initial three Oracles to Heroes right away.
As your operations expand, you can afford to produce more Oracles from the Temple. Try to spread them along the very edge of the map to keep out of range from your enemies. In some maps, it only takes around four Oracles to occupy a whole side of the map, so advancing to the second Age to get some military is paramount.
You don’t need to heavily militarise to keep your Oracles safe, but having at least a couple soldiers per Oracle is a good start.
I’d say to have around five Hero Oracles for a production of 0.55 Favor a second is a solid start for a second Age Atlantean civilization. As you expand your Oracle presence, make sure to grow your military to keep them safe. This will always vary with map size and player count, though.
All Atlantean favor technologies in Age of Mythology Retold

There are two technologies you can unlock to help out your Favor production, although they’re both from Gods in the third Age, meaning you can’t have both (like the Egyptians).
Theia (available from Oranos or Gaia) will unlock Prophetic Sight, which increases the rate of Oracle Favor production, but only slightly. Oracles will now produce Favor at a speed of 0.9 per second, and Heroic Oracles will produce at a rate of 0.12. This is scarcely an improvement, but is better than nothing.
Rheia (available from Kronos or Gaia) will unlock Horns of Consecration, which allows Town Centers to produce Favor. Each Town Center and Citadel will produce 0.05 Favor a second, which is much better than Prophetic Sight, especially if you’re keen on expansion.
To have access to both of these minor Gods, make sure to choose Gaia as your major God.
And that’s it! All the best strategies for earning Favor for all the factions in Age of Mythology: Retold.
Published: Aug 27, 2024 10:30 am