Unreal Tournament 3 will be free to play on Steam over the weekend.If you don’t already own Unreal Tournament 3 then you can start pre-loading the multiplayer shooter over on Steam now, ready for the free-for-all (in more ways than one) action to begin tonight at 8pm.Shacknews reckons that the weekend will also include a price drop, with the original Unreal Tournament dropped to a ludicrously low price, and Unreal Tournament 3 and the Unreal Deal Pack (containing every game in the Unreal series) both be 66% off – which we estimate would price UT3 at around a fiver, and the deal pack at around a tenner in GBP. Although I’m really no good at maths.The Unreal Tournament series offers some of the finest arena-based blasting action you can find, and later iterations in the series added in vehicles and a host of team-oriented game maps on some truly vast maps. Whatever sort of game you like, it might be worth downloading Unreal Tournament 3 for free and trying it out to see if it’s your sort of thing. This will naturally come with the free Titan pack that was released earlier this year.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 17, 2009 08:44 am