Another Ghost Recon game should be making it to our consoles sometime soon as Ubisoft has trademarked “Ghost Recon: Future Soldier” as a title.This could just be a trademark, with no game materialising for many years, or it could be the start of the surfacing of a new game. We’re not sure if this announcement is tied to the listing by the Australian OFLC earlier this year, when it revealed it had given a new Ghost Recon title, named Predator, an MA 15+ rating.We’ve contacted Ubisoft to clarify whether or not this is a new title, or if it’s just the real version of the game that will be released everywhere else in the world other than Australia, because the name might suggest more violence. Our man on the inside is looking into this and will clarify this, but we reckon it’s just a title trademarked for the future. It seems unlikely there are two games in development, unless they’re making one for handhelds.We’ll keep you posted as more news appears, but for the full listing of the trademark you can check here.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Dec 21, 2009 11:13 am