You might have a fear of heights – which I have – but when they present as an inconvenience, we ought to solve it in the most logical way possible. Here is how to get the Jump-Bot in Sand Land.
Sand Land: How to get Jump-Bot
One of the first things you will come across while driving Rao’s car through Sand Land is the Buttes. These are rock formations that are unclimbable given your limited jumping height. Beelzebub – the character you control – will mention that you will need some sort of jumping machine to claim them. Moreover, later in the story, your party will need the same jumping machine to progress further into the story and avoid issues with the terrain and the King’s Army. That jumping machine is the accordingly named Jump-Bot, and you will have to travel for a bit to get it.
Sand Land: Fixing the tank in Spino
The first step to getting the Jump-Bot in Sand Land is fixing the tank you eventually steal from the King’s Army base. This will happen early during the game, so just follow the game events and shoot your way out of the base. This is where you will meet Ann who is a mechanic who will help fix the tank, but you will need to travel to Spino where there is a vehicle workshop.

Right after you get there and meet Mayor Tor, you will also come across a very particular NPC called Lassi. He is a cat-like creature who hands you a device that will allow you to make your tank – and all other vehicles – fit in your pocket. As you can see, this is extremely important since this will allow you to not only use your vehicles at any time as needed but also select what vehicle to summon.

Sand Land: Exploring Lisab Battleship
After talking to Mayor Tor about the possibility of finding a Jump-bot, he will direct you to the Junker Market in Lisab, a small trading post north of Spino. After speaking with the local junkers, they will warn you about some Wannabe Junkers that have taken possession of the Jump-Bot, storing it inside the Lisab Battleship, or at least what remains of it.

While big, the Lisab Battleship will be a pretty straightforward location filled with breakable objects via tank, some platforming, and the introduction of mechanical enemies. While you can certainly use your fists against them, the tank’s shells and machine gun fire will deal with them without you breaking a sweat. Following the objective marker will help you traverse through the Battleship, although deviating a bit will allow you to open containers that house valuable materials.

Once you reach the Jump-Bot, one of the Wannabe Junkers will attempt to take you down by using it against you. With your tank, continue to drive in circles and shoot at its homing missiles to make them explode. Whenever you have the chance, shoot your tank shells and you will eventually defeat the Outlaw’s Jump-Bot.

Sand Land: Building the Jump-Bot
Now, contrary to what you might think, this does not mean you can now use the Jump-Bot. To build a new one based on the remains of your encounter with the Wannabe Junkers, you will have to speak to Mayor Tor once again. He happens to have the actual blueprints for the Jump-Bot, so that’s awesome – and convenient!

The last step is to get back to Ann’s workshop and build the Jump-Bot. If you have spent all this time getting to this point, fighting enemies, and collecting resources along the way, then you definitely have what it takes to build the Jump-Bot’s parts: Frame, Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Engine, and Suspension.

This process of getting a vehicle’s blueprints is the same for all the remaining vehicles you can create and customize. Now that you have the Jump-Bot, feel free to visit and climb Buttes that are located across the map. You will find that these Buttes will offer ore veins, materials, resources, and everything in between on top of them. Let’s get hopping!
Published: Apr 24, 2024 12:00 pm