IO Interactive has announced Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
We’ve known about the title for awhile, with the trademarks for both Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days and Fragile Alliance (the first game’s multiplayer mode) having been registered by Eidos back in July.
Now, IO has finally revealed the title. This time around, cuddly Kane and likeable Lynch are off on a friendly adventure in China. By which we mean that the two psychopathic criminals are shooting their way through the Shanghai underworld.
We don’t know much about it yet, but we do know that the game will be coming to PC, 360, and PS3 in 2010, and that it’s billed as having an “even more intense story experience.”
There’s a “new visual experience” too, with the game “inspired by documentary filmmakers and the user-generated era.” We’re told it’s all about delivering “a fresh perspective to the words ‘intensity’ and ‘realism.'”
“Gamers are always looking for something new and that is exactly what they are going to get with Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days,” explains Niels Jørgensen, the general manager of IO Interactive. “[Gamers] are certainly in for a shock as we, with immense pride, welcome back our two dear, violent and somewhat unfortunate friends.”
One for your gran next Christmas, then. There’s also a Kane & Lynch film in the works which follows the basic premise of the first game, but it stars Bruce Willis, who seemed rather taken with the script. See what he thought over here.
Two teaser trailers for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days have been released. We’ll have them up for you shortly.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 18, 2009 04:25 pm