Valve has revealed that the PC Left 4 Dead 2 patches will be coming to 360 later this month.The notes for last night’s PC patch, which you can see below, contain notes that “These and all previous fixes will be coming to the 360 later this month.”Good news for 360 users, as these patches fix a number of rather pressing issues. Check out our review of the 360 version here, and have a look at the latest patch notes below.Changed rules for ghost placement in Scavenge Mode
Player controlled Special Infected are no longer forced to un-crouch and lock strafe when they crouch attack
Spitter spit that damages players on a moving elevator will now fizzle quickly
Allow the survivor and infected to rotate the camera yaw while being attacked by a Charger or Smoker
Smoker that has dragged a survivor to the end now gets the same cinematic flashlight as the Hunter and Charger
Fixed a crash in physics
Updated the Charger’s hit boxes
Updated the Jockey’s hit boxes
Updated the Spitter’s hit boxes
Fixed player health on being revived after a Charger slam over a high ledge
Fixed versus scores not resetting after a vote to change campaigns
Fixed being able to use defibrillator on dead players who were far above or below you
Fixed pink glow on dead survivors
Fixed being able to hold crouch while incapped to get better weapon accuracy
Fixedplayers pushing against some props causing them to accumulate downwardvelocity and then take falling damage when they let go of the forwardkey
Fixed a case where an incapped survivor inside a rescue vehicle would trigger both the escape sequence and a round restart
Fixed the helping hand from getting stuck when extended
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Dec 10, 2009 11:18 am