Infinity Ward has offered up some more details on Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer killstreaks.As in the first game, getting a string of kills nets you some nifty bonuses, including – as we’ve already seen – the ability to control the guns on an AC130 attack plane.According to CVG, Infinity Ward’s community manager Robert Bowling confirmed to PSM3 magazine that you can choose which killstreaks you want, meaning that if you don’t think you’ll get 15 kills without dying you can wander into battle with a swathe of rewards for lower killstreaks. On the other hand, if your gamertag is xxxN00BKILL4H666xxx, you can have plenty of high-streak rewards which you’ll never use because you aren’t as good as you think you are.”You can have a three killstreak or a fifteen killstreak if you want, or something like the AC130 is one of the highest killstreaks you can get,” said Bowling. “You take control of that and can fire down for thirty seconds, blow guys up.”Which sounds good to us, certainly. We also know that Modern Warfare 2’s going to have dual-wielding, all sorts of accessories, a really expensive collector’s edition with night vision goggles, and a silly price. Check out our preview while you’re at it to see what you can expect from what will doubtless be one of the year’s biggest games.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 8, 2009 12:34 pm