PC gamers’ angry reactions to news over the last few weeks that there is to be no support for dedicated servers for CoD:MW2 is of little concern to Activision.Speaking at an earnings call Activision president Mike Griffith gave this reaction when asked about the complaints.”We’re of course watching this very carefully and paying attention it it, but we’re not overly concerned about it. One of the problems of our PC on this title in the past is that it has not been as friendly a consumer experience in terms of matchmaking and online play as the consoles have allowed it to be. Our solution here improves that consumer experience overall by a significant margin, so we think the benefits that we will see are going to far outweigh any negatives that seem to be surfacing.”Fans’ displeasure at the revelation back in October was such that a petition was started to call for Infinity Ward to review the decision, so far the 185,227 signatures are carrying no weight with IW. The promise of a better consumer experience through their IWNet service will become evident, or not, next week when the game hits retailers. Whether those 185k petition signatures’ boycott the game or not will be answered then.If their barks prove worse than their bites it could further pave the way for developers to steam roll apparently unpopular ideas assured that sales probably won’t be affected in the long run.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 6, 2009 04:46 pm