Call of Duty’s mysterious SAS man Ghost may star in a spin-off title if recent rumours are to be believed. According to voice actor Craig Fairbrass, speaking at last week’s launch event in London, Infinity Ward is considering a game based on Ghost.“I did in the last game a voice for a character called Gaz and in this game I’m now voicing a guy called Ghost, who now just got a spin-off comic of his own and they’re talking about another little game to go with it,” he told Inside Xbox (via That Videogame Blog).“So, I’m quite excited about it. It’s grown and grown and grown.”When asked why fans are so interested in Ghost, Fairbrass replied “I don’t know. It’s the whole thing I suppose of not knowing who he is.””He’s like the head of the SAS and… I’m just so thrilled to be a part of it, I mean it just gets bigger and bigger each year.”Check out our review of Modern Warfare 2 here.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 16, 2009 09:25 am