Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling has confirmed that Modern Warfare 2 will contain a third-person mode.Yesterday, there were a few rumours floating around that Modern Warfare 2 would have a third-person mode, and now Robert Bowling – better known online as fourzerotwo – has confirmed it.”It’s not something you can toggle on and off in ANY game,” Bowling told Joystiq. Apparently, the mode is restricted to private matches where it can be toggled on and off like Hardcore settings, or in playlists designated for third-person games. Those who partake in the latter, it seems, will be restricted to third-person mode for the duration.”This is just another cool way to play the game,” said Bowling, “you obviously will still have the option to play gametypes normal as well.” [sic]Modern Warfare 2 is due out on 10 November – just under two weeks – and there’s going to be a big midnight launch for it here in the UK. Check it out.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 27, 2009 10:13 am