Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward hasn’t “begun thinking” about DLC, according to an official post on the forums.Going by a post made by Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling, also known as Fourzerotwo, the team are busy finishing up the game and haven’t had time to give any thought to the DLC.A post made by an angry fan regarding the apparent dating of Modern Warfare 2 DLC, claiming that Infinity Ward is “not providing the full content of [the] game even though [they] have the ability,” got the following response from Fourzerotwo:”I think you might be confused by that. We haven’t even begun thinking about what our DLC will be, Let [sic] alone finish any. NO DLC will begin development until the entire game is finished and certified.”Which doesn’t actually deny that we’ll see the DLC in spring, and I suppose it contradicts that they’ve guaranteed at least two map packs, but now I’m just being childish.What do you reckon, readers? Would you rather have a few extra multiplayer maps for free and have the game out in spring? Or would you rather have the game out in November and pay for the DLC then?Come to think of it, much as I say they’d be free if the game was released then, the lack of Christmas sales would probably jack the ludicrous price up higher.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Oct 2, 2009 03:48 pm