Infinity Ward has confirmed there will be no demo for Modern Warfare 2 before the game is released. The news was revealed via the Infinity Ward Twitter page with the publisher stating the development team is “focused on polish” until the game releases.However, while the lack of a pre-release demo may be bad news, a Q & A on MW2 creative strategist Robert Bowling’s Twitter page revealed some new details about the game.Here’s our pick of the info:“Max level in #MW2 is Lvl 70 this time. We’re keeping the Prestige icons under lock and key.”“Special Ops includes a variety of gametypes and mission objectives. One of many being a Wave Defense type.”“There are 3 stars per mission. You get 1 star for beating on Regular, 2 stars for Hardened, & 3 stars for beating on Veteran.”“Special Ops includes a variety of gametypes and mission objectives. One of many being a Wave Defense type.”“Quite a few maps have varying degrees of visibility due to weather effects.”“Yeah – there will be snow maps in Multiplayer.”“It takes two rockets to take down an AC-130 in MP. Meaning you can’t do it alone but can do it as a team.”“Bling is the new perk that allows you to put multiple attachments on your weapon.”“If an enemy chopper is in the air while you’re in the AC-130 you can fire down on top of it to shoot it down.”“There won’t be any civilians in Multiplayer, but they add a layer of tactical gameplay in Single Player and Spec Ops missions.”
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Sep 29, 2009 08:30 am