DLC and patches for the recently-released Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising should be coming within the next few weeks.”We’ve got some very ambitious plans with DLC – our first pack is coming up in a matter of weeks,” Sion Lenton, executive producer on the strategy shooter, told the Telegraph. “We’ll also have title updates coming up because once the game’s out there, we’ll need to get feedback from the people who are playing it, and if need be make a few adjustments and tweaks.”Lenton added that the team “is already prototyping all sorts of stuff to be released as DLC.””Ours is a game that lends itself very well to expansion,” added Lenton. “There will be weapons packs, map packs – all sorts of things we can do to get our product out there.”We suspect a lot of fans will be happy to hear that as, good as it was, the game did contain a few bugs and other assorted issues. Console users lacking the PC’s tremendous Mission Editor will also be happy to hear that more official maps are coming, too.We loved Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. Have a look at our 360 review, our PC review, and our co-op war diaries to get a feel for the game and find out whether or not it sounds like your sort of thing.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Oct 14, 2009 08:27 am