Yesterday we learnt that Infinity Ward is dropping dedicated servers in upcoming CoD: MW2 in favour of its own matchmaking service, IWNet.This move means that all matchmaking will be handled through IWNet, eliminating the need for dedicated servers.In addition to this, it also means that communities and clans will not be able to play together on dedicated servers, however, private matches would still be possible.The PC community has responded vehemently to the proposed changes claiming that Infinity Ward will lose thousands in its latest move.”Dedicated servers are places where ‘regulars’ go and you can get familiar with fellow gamers. This is a fundamentally important dynamic for PC gaming,” said paddydunne, one of our readers.The announcement from Infinity Ward’s community manager, Robert Bowling, was made on the BASHandSlash webcast on Saturday, and since then an online petition has formed. In the first five hours it had amassed 22,000 signatures and, at the time of writing, this petition has reached 45,972 total signatures.We’ve contacted Infinity Ward for comment, and as always, we’ll keep you updated.If you have anything more to say, then comment in our forum or sign the online petition.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 19, 2009 08:16 am