Flying Lab Software is offering members of the US Army the chance to play the MMO, Pirates of the Burning Sea, for free.The offer, open to all branches of the United States military, waives the $19.99 USD purchase price of the game and includes six months of free play, which usually sets players back $14.95 USD per month.“The idea to do what we’re calling the Care Package initially came about as a result of some posts in our Pirates of the Burning Sea community forums,” said Russell Williams, CEO of Flying Lab Software. “One of our players posted about serving in Afghanistan, and it got us thinking about the challenges of trying to play an MMO while in an unpredictable situation like active service. We feel a special gratitude towards the members of the armed forces who take the time to get involved and play our game, in the face of the very difficult job they have to do to keep us all safe.”Anyone interested in the deal can check out the offer page, where applicants must be signed up by 30 November. Existing eligible players can still apply for the six months free subscription.One wonders if this will spark off a similar offer for other MMOs. Watch this space.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 28, 2009 10:16 am