Sony’s John Smedley has referred to the forthcoming Planetside sequel as “Planetside Next.”A recent blog post by Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley is titled “What Planetside Next means to me” and contains a few little bits of info – not least that the forthcoming Planetside sequel is being referred to, internally, as “Planetside Next.””Planetside had a lot of really great things about it, but it also had some frustrating things. The whole Sanctuary concept is something that slowed things down too much. We also didn’t get people back into the action quickly enough,” writes Smedley. “But the core of Planetside – massive battles with vehicles and infantry was something we nailed really well.””To me, Planetside Next means we get a chance to take the essence of everything that was fun in Planetside and make it a lot better,” Smedley continues. “Massive battles on a scale no other FPS will touch. None of this 64 player stuff. REALLY MASSIVE. With much better organization, and a tight focus on making sure the action is always going on, with awesome graphics.”From a little digging, we have our doubts that the game will be called Planetside Next on release, however. Ignoring the fact that it’s a good example of how to refer to a game with an undecided title, hasn’t been registered, while has – and the latter redirects to the Planetside website.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Oct 12, 2009 10:45 am