Prison Architect alpha 26 is a bug bash

This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information
prison architect alpha 19

Ah, alpha 19, back when new features were added. Fond memories!

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Prison Architect‘s alpha 26 has been released, and it’s all about bugs.

Unfortunately, that’s not bugs in terms of insects infesting your prison if it’s unclean, or something. These are bugs in the sense of “issues with the game.” Alpha 26 isn’t a build that adds in a load of new features; it’s a house-keeping build which takes care of a lot of the game’s bugs.

Unfortunately, that means there isn’t a great deal I can talk about here. Also unfortunately, it means that the video update for the alpha isn’t showing off new features… although the confusion and dismay of Introversion as they try to make a 20 minute video out of fixing bugs is hilarious enough that it’s worth watching anyway. Expect a lot of swearing and shouting, as well a discussion of whether or not filmmakers complained about DVD players having fast-forward buttons. Seriously. I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s worth a look.

In terms of important bugs, the food/kitchen/chef bugs have had a lot of work. Introversion reckon that food distribution is probably one of the most complex systems in Prison Architect so it’s really hard to get it perfect, but nonetheless, it should now be a lot more reliable. Equally, a lot of issues with prison zoning and permissions should be solved (if prisoners weren’t able to go to reform programs or visitations, that should now be a lot better).

The video update can be found below, and the list of fixed bugs (via the forum) is below that. Next month: Prison Architect gets new features, most likely.

– 0005441: [Gameplay] object_FoodWaste is not being removed properly (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0002141: [Save & Load] Can overwrite save files without warning (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0006069: [Gameplay] Supermax security prisoners are downgraded back to Max security after a murder (lim_ak) – resolved.
– 0006493: [AI & Behaviour] prisoners use the same seat/phone/shower etc (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0001589: [Control & User Interface] Request – digital clock (elDiablo) – resolved.
– 0004535: [Control & User Interface] Enumerate cells by security level (elDiablo) – resolved.
– 0003822: [Gameplay] Always Fog Of War (Chris) – resolved.
– 0004464: [Gameplay] Cooks and reform programs clash with the new regime system (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0004193: [AI & Behaviour] (Some) Prisoners won’t attend Reform Programs (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0003542: [Graphics] Full-screen image flash when contraband discovered (elDiablo) – resolved.
– 0004588: [AI & Behaviour] Multiple regimes not working with classroom scheduling (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0004515: [Sound] Riot Music Continues to Play After Loading a Different Prison (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0005846: [Save & Load] Special char in user account name result in the game failing to save (John) – resolved.
– 0001358: [AI & Behaviour] Dead inmate’s family still come for visitation (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0004720: [AI & Behaviour] Teacher wanders into adjacent rooms while teaching (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0003948: [Control & User Interface] dragging sound may continue playing when it shouldn’t (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0003162: [Sound] Construction sound would not stop (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0006001: [Other] Name in Game ages incorrect (lim_ak) – resolved.
– 0004048: [Sound] carpenter table sound continues even when no one is working at it (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0002093: [Sound] Sirens do not turn off (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0006208: [Sound] Ringing sound when deploying guard for patrols (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0000450: [Other] Make the introduction video skippable (elDiablo) – resolved.
– 0004419: [AI & Behaviour] Having Multiple Psychiatrists running Multiple Counseling Programs causes them to jump between. (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0004528: [Control & User Interface] non-click mouse input still possible when window is not in focus (John) – resolved.
– 0005164: [Control & User Interface] Introduction Objectives (lim_ak) – resolved.
– 0002655: [Save & Load] Incident free timer resets on load (lim_ak) – resolved.
– 0003969: [AI & Behaviour] visitors may go to the wrong visitation rooms (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0000027: [AI & Behaviour] Garbage is unloaded at Deliveries (elDiablo) – resolved.
– 0005611: [Control & User Interface] Clone toolbar not visible (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0001061: [Save & Load] Prisoner’s sleep state not saved (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0004784: [Control & User Interface] Policy Tab – Setting punishments to “None” resets after save & load (lim_ak) – resolved.
– 0006021: [Control & User Interface] too many informants cover the screen (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0002563: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoner released same time as family goes to meet him (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0002611: [Graphics] An Invisible Prisoner (Icepick) – resolved.
– 0005896: [Save & Load] Cannot save game. So I cannot load it neither. (John) – resolved.
– 0006020: [Gameplay] Bankruptcy when playing with unlimited funds (lim_ak) – resolved.
– 0004601: [Sound] [motherbug] Issues regarding Sound which does not stop when it should (Icepick) – closed.
– 0002461: [Sound] riots music does not stop after a riot (Icepick) – closed.
– 0004874: [Sound] Lockdown alarm continues to sound after loading a different *.prison (Icepick) – closed.

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Image of Tim McDonald
Tim McDonald
Tim has been playing PC games for longer than he's willing to admit. He's written for a number of publications, but has been with PC Invasion - in all its various incarnations - for over a decade. When not writing about games, Tim can occasionally be found speedrunning terrible ones, making people angry in Dota 2, or playing something obscure and random. He's also weirdly proud of his status as (probably) the Isle of Man's only professional games journalist.