Rebellion has explained how the PC community has driven the development of Aliens vs Predator. In an interview with IncGamers, Rebellion’s Tim Jones explained that the game’s PC heritage is very important to the development team.When asked about the recent dedicated servers controversy and accusations of games being “dumbed down” for PC, Jones was adamant that this will not be the case with AvP.“AvP has a PC heritage so it goes without saying that we take it very seriously as a platform and have no intention of “dumbing down,”” said Jones.“We have developed all three platforms simultaneously as our internal tech allows us to do so,” he added.”It’s been a smooth process and a massive help to have the game at exactly the same stage on all platforms so we’re not having to port over formats at the last minute, as is what often happens in development these days.”Our PC version will have the same game content as the console versions, but those with state-of-the-art PCs will really be able to show off how beautiful the game looks at high resolutions.”Jones went on to stress just how important the PC community has been to the development of the game.“The PC community is the grass roots that drive us to deliver everything we can with AvP: they’ve been there with us since the very beginning,” he added. “We always read the fan forums with interest and are pleased at how often our thoughts on the way the game should coincide with the ideas of the fans.”However, he also revealed that the studio feels committed to its own vision for the game.“That said, there are a lot of wide-ranging (and vehemently held) opinions out there and we have to follow what we believe is our own coherent vision – and we also have to consider our partners at Fox and Sega of course!”Check out the full interview here.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Dec 2, 2009 11:47 am