A teaser site has appeared for Telltale’s Sam & Max 2010.The teaser site features Sam and Max star constellations and has some sounds clips and concept art hidden away, the latter of which you can see below.From what we can gather, it sounds like Sam & Max 2010 – presumably a working title – will be quite different to Telltale’s other games. “This story is different,” intones one of the sound clips. “In this story you are in control. There will soon come a time when you will be called upon to lead Sam & Max to defeat the forces of evil.””No longer can you blindly mash buttons to unleash a torrent of irreverent banter and comic mischief. Now, you are all that stands in the way of the total annihilation of the planet Earth,” it finishes.New game mechanics? Possibly. Speculating from the concept art, we could see some elements of time travel and potentially space travel, and Max appears to have psychic powers, which is also mentioned in the sound clips. There’s also a phone that looks like it got passed over for Tim Curry’s role in Stephen King’s It.As a bonus, those who sign up for further news on the Sam & Max 2010 page will receive the first episode of Sam & Max Season 2 – Ice Station Santa – for free.Sam & Max 2010 is presumably what Telltale hinted at when we spoke to them about Tales of Monkey Island and were told we’d hear something “soon.” And speaking of Tales of Monkey Island, keep your eyes peeled for our review of the final chapter, coming soon.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Dec 9, 2009 10:43 am