Every week in World of Warcraft: The War Within, players forge a Pact with one of three members of the Severed Threads to earn renown and rewards. This guide covers the advantages of assisting the Weaver, General, or Vizier to help you decide which head of the Thread to represent.
Should you choose to aid the Weaver, General, or Vizier in WoW: TWW?

At the beginning of each week, visit Lady Vinazian in The Weaver’s Lair to forge a Pact with the Weaver, General, or Vizier. This Pact influences which of the Severed Thread leaders you earn Renown with by completing activities in Azj-Kahet during the current week.
Earning Renown with a specific Severed Thread leader unlocks exclusive quests and rewards, such as different colored mounts and various benefits in the open world. The leader you should choose to form a Pact with depends on which of these rewards appeal to you. To help you make a choice, check out all the benefits and rewards for the Weaver, General, and Vizier below.
Don’t worry if, like me, you’re a WoW completionist. You can eventually max out the Renown of every leader and unlock all Severed Thread rewards. Mixing and matching who you side with grants you access to simultaneous rewards, aside from their respective World Buffs and Abilities.
The Weaver benefits and rewards
If you’re a fan of gold making, then the Weaver is the best leader to form a Pact with because of her exclusive World Buff. This buff passively increases your Crafting and Gathering speed by either 15% or 30%, depending on your Renown level, making professions like mining considerably faster.
Benefit | Description | Renown Level |
Ability: Woven Cocoon | While in a Pact with The Weaver, you can use the Woven Cocoon to conceal yourself or trap enemies. | Acquaintance |
City Rumors | Allows you to find Rumors in Az-Kahet by finding Brokers or purchasing maps. | Acquaintance |
Pheromones: High Hallows | Allows entry to the High Hollows and its citizens become intractable. Note: You do not need to be in a current Pact with the Weaver for this effect. | Crony |
Treasures: Weave-Rat Caches | Allows you to discover Weave-Rat Caches with the adorable Thimble. | Crony |
The Weaver’s Request | Beings a questline. | Accomplice |
World Buff: Weaver’s Tutelage | While in a Pact with the Weaver, your Crafting and Gathering speed increases by 15%. | Collaborator |
Notoriety Pays Off | The Weaver’s weekly pact quest provides extra Kej. | Accessory |
World Buff: Weaver’s Prodigy | While in a Pact with the Weaver, your Crafting and Gathering speed increases by 30%. | Abettor |
The Weaver’s Legacy | Beings a questline. | Abettor |
Mount: Widow’s Undercrawler | Allows you to purchase the Widow’s Undercrawler mount from the Severed Threads quartermaster. | Conspirator |
Title: Silksinger | Grants the title “Silksinger.” | Mastermind |
Spymaster’s Severed Thread | Adds a visual effect to the Notorious Thread’s Hearthstone Toy. | Mastermind |
The General benefits and rewards
For adventurers who find themself dying a little too often, a Pact with The General may be the choice for you. His World Buff prevents you from dying in the open world, granting an absorb shield and damage immunity for a short time before a would-be killing blow. He also grants you explosions. I like explosions.
Benefit | Description | Renown Level |
Ability: Heavy Ordinance | While in a pact with The General, you can drop explosives for heavy damage in the open world. | Acquaintance |
City Rumors | Allows you to find Rumors in Az-Kahet by finding Brokers or purchasing maps. | Acquaintance |
Pheromones: The Skeins | Allows entry to the Skeins and its citizens become intractable. Note: You do not need to be in a current Pact with the Weaver for this effect. | Crony |
Treasures: Forgotten Memorials | Allows you to duel Aspirant Kiipka in random spots throughout Azj-Kahet in return for Kej and reputation. | Crony |
The General’s Order | Beings a questline. | Accomplice |
World Buff: General’s Phalanx | While in a pact with The General, attacks that would kill you instead absorb the blow and grants damage immunity for ten seconds. | Collaborator |
Notoriety Pays Off | The General’s weekly pact quest provides extra Kej. | Accessory |
World Buff: General’s Bulwark | While in a pact with The General, attacks that would kill you instead absorb the blow and grants damage immunity for ten seconds. (The differences between General’s Phalanx and Bulwark are currently unknown.) | Abettor |
The General’s Conviction | Beings a questline. | Abettor |
Mount: Heritage Undercrawler | Allows you to purchase the Heritage Undercrawler mount from the Severed Threads quartermaster. | Conspirator |
Title: Anub | Grants the title “Anub’.” For example, Anub’Volks. | Mastermind |
Crypt Lord’s Severed Thread | Adds a visual effect to the Notorious Thread’s Hearthstone Toy. | Mastermind |
The Vizier benefits and rewards
If you’re low on Kej, the currency of Azj-Kahet, and want to stock up on as many rewards as possible, then choose to forge a pact with The Vizier. His World Buff increases Kej gains by 10% or 20%, depending on your current standing. The Vizier is typically the best Leader to start with if you aren’t hunting down a specific reward for this reason.
Benefit | Description | Renown Level |
Ability: Heavy Ordinance | While in a Pact with The Vizier, you can cycle through potions of different effects in the open world. | Acquaintance |
City Rumors | Allows you to find Rumors in Az-Kahet by finding Brokers or purchasing maps. | Acquaintance |
Treasures: Kaheti Excavations | Grants access to Kaheti Excavations in Azj-Kahet. | Crony |
The Vizier’s Entreaty. | Beings a questline. | Crony |
The General’s Order | Beings a questline. | Accomplice |
World Buff: Vizier’s Savvy | While in a pact with The Vizier, your Kej gains increase by 10%. | Collaborator |
Notoriety Pays Off | The Vizier’s weekly pact quest provides extra Kej. | Accessory |
World Buff: Vizier’s Supremacy | While in a pact with The Vizier, your Kej gains increase by 20%. | Abettor |
The Vizier’s Resolve | Beings a questline. | Abettor |
Mount: Royal Court Undercrawler | Allows you to purchase the Royal Court Undercrawler mount from the Severed Threads quartermaster. | Conspirator |
Title: Hand of the Vizier | Grants the title “Hand of the Vizier.” | Mastermind |
Executor’s Severed Thread | Adds a visual effect to the Notorious Thread’s Hearthstone Toy. | Mastermind |
Why can’t I choose a Severed Thread Pact?

To start a Pact with a Severed Thread leader, you need to talk to Lady Vinazian in The Weaver’s Lair in Azj-Kahet. This Pact lasts until the next weekly reset and applies to every character on your account. Sorry, there’s no triple-dipping for alts — as convenient as that would be.
To unlock Pacts, you must complete the quest “Of Pacts and Patrons,” available for players who complete The War Within Campaign on one character. Once the Weekly reset occurs on Tuesday in The Americas * Oceania and Wednesday in the EU, your Pact will unravel, allowing you to choose a new one or renew your previous choice.
While you choose your Pact for the week, don’t forget that the lost Hallowfall momentos quests also reset weekly. If you need a bag for all your Azj-Kahet treasures, we also have a guide on how to earn a free 34-slot bag in The Ringing Deeps.
Published: Aug 30, 2024 03:01 pm