Essentially, the sponsors in Spectre Divide are just another name for classes. They determine what equipment will be used by a player. Here is the full list of sponsors in Spectre Divide, ranked.
All Sponsors in Spectre Divide ranked
You have to be pretty quick on the draw if you want to grab the best Sponsor when getting ready for a game in Spectre Divide. Each one can only be used by one player per game.
Although there are some I feel are better than others, it really comes down to how you like to play the game. I can break down each sponsor, and how good I think they are to play with. Make sure you have your game settings on lock before you jump in to give yourself the best chance of securing the win in Spectre Divide.
#8 Umbra Reconnaissance
- Recon Wing – Throw a drone that sticks to the first surface it hits. After 1.2s, the drone reveals enemies within range for 2.5s. TARGET MARKER: Instantly create an AoE at the marker that reveals enemies for 2.5s. Recharge is 50s.
- Pulsefinder – Instantly equip a scanner that pulses every 2s for 30s. Enemies hit are detected and leave a marker at their location. Detected enemies can see the remaining pulses.
- Glare Burst – Deploy a drone that charges for 1.25s and then blinds all players in its AoE for 4s. TARGET MARKER: Instantly create an AoE at the marker that blinds all players for 4s.

This is only at the bottom of the list because it has nothing that can shield or damage other players. It is, as the name suggests, all about Reconnaissance. This Sponsor in Spectre Divide is best for the supporting player in Spectre Divide. If you’re into long-range sniping situations, this is the class for you. However, I feel there are other Sponsors that offer similar skills but with more variety.
#7 Ryker Industries
- Wave Scan – Throw a sonar spike that pulses three times toward your active body. Enemies hit by a pulse will be located for 3s. ALT FIRE: The sonar spike will bounce once before sticking. The recharge is 45s.
- Hull Mine – Throw a proximity mine that sticks to the ground. After a short delay, the first enemy that gets too close will trigger three explosions which deal 15 health damage each.
- Arc Sentry – Deploy a sentry that heavily slows enemies who get within its line of sight.

Wave Scan is a pretty helpful tool to use to ping up enemies for yourself and your team. However, it’s very short-lived and can be destroyed. It’s the best of the three skills offered by this Sponsor in Spectre Divide, with the Hull Mine and Arc Sentry being pretty useless overall. Both of these have little effect, with the Hull Mine doing very small amounts of damage and the Arc Sentry being visible and easily avoided or destroyed.
#6 Morrgen United
- Smoke Shift – Throw a grenade that creates a cloud of smoke for 14s. ALT-FIRE: Throw a smoke grenade and your puck simultaneously. Enemies cannot see your puck’s recall line. The recharge is 60s.
- Meltdown – Throw a grenade that creates an area of caustic fluid, which damages players for 168 health over 7s.
- Hidden Grasp – Deploy a trap that cloaks itself after deployment. It explodes if an enemy gets too close, creating a slow zone for 10s.

Similar to the issues with the previous Sponsor on this list, the traps and various skills are easy to spot and do little in the way of deterrence. The cloud of smoke, although good for obscuring views, also blocks friendlies from being able to see anything. The Meltdown ability is good for area denial, especially when defending a point and combined with Hidden Grasp can do some damage.
#5 Bloom Technologies
- Hex Barrier—Deploy a barrier that blocks bullets. The barrier has four sections, each with 150 health. The recharge time is 30 seconds.
- Twin Mend – Heal a damaged ally and their Spectre for 80 health over 10s. ALT FIRE: If damaged, heal you and your Spectre for 40 health over 10s.
- Swarm Grenade – Throw a grenade that releases a swarm of bees. The swarm blocks vision and damages enemies for 100 health over 12s.

This is a pretty good Sponsor to pick in Spectre Divide if you’re looking for an excellent defensive support class. The only reason it sits lower on the list is that a number of the other sponsors do what it does slightly better. This class is a bit of a jack of all trades, able to use the defensive properties of a rather weak shield, healing for allies or the self, and also a great area of denial swarm of bees.
#4 Pinnacle International
- Splinter Grenade – Throw a grenade that explodes into eight splinters, which do 40 damage each. The recharge is 75s.
- Adrena-Link – Instantly equip a Spectre-linked stim, which heals you for 80 health over 10s; your Spectre gains enhanced vision and ignores weapon move-speed penalties.
- Flash Grenade – Throw a grenade that explodes after 1.6s and blinds all players in the line of sight. ALT-FIRE: Underhand throw the grenade that explodes after 1.0s.

This is the most basic sponsor endorsement in Spectre Divide and is the kind of class loadout you would see in any FPS. It comes with everything you could want for a good old shooter, including a flashbang, a grenade, and a healing stim. If you’re new to the game, this is the one to run with; it’ll be the most familiar. Use it until you understand the mechanics a little more.
#3 Ghostlink Collective
- Partition—Deploy a wall that blocks the line of sight for 8s. Terrain does not stop the wall, and touching it slightly blurs vision. The recharge is 45s.
- Dupe – Instantly deploy a dupe of your current body. Lasts 5.5s. Also, leave a dupe behind when you Puck Throw if you have a remaining charge. Lasts 60s. Enemies who shoot dupes are revealed briefly.
- Dead Zone – Throw a grenade that creates a large distortion field and blurs the vision of all players inside. Lasts 10s.

This is a sponsor in Spectre Divided that is best for players using coms and who are familiar with both the maps and the gameplay. It requires pretty good knowledge of peek points and enemy movements and is most effective when used with teamwork. When these parameters are met, this sponsor slaps. It is the perfect deception class and can have players blinded, disoriented, and firing at clones, giving you time to reposition and do murder.
#2 Muu Robotics
- Patches – Deploy a drone that moves forward and heals you and allies in its radius for 80 health over 12s. ALT-FIRE: Deploy a stationary drone instead. The recharge is 60s.
- Dazzler – Deploy a flying drone that follows your crosshair. After 1s, the drone explodes and obscures the vision of any enemies in line of sight.
- Hyper Dome – Throw a grenade that creates a permanent Fast Recall Zone and 150 health shield dome on floor impact. The shield dome lasts 14s.

I like Muu Robotics for its versatility and ability to be used as a support class. Again, it is a Sponsor that is best used with a lot of communication in Spectre Divide. But when utilized properly, it can buff a whole squad and result in some world-class plays. The ability to obscure vision and create areas of healing makes for some clutch wins in which whole teams can push into zones buffed with healing, knowing the enemy is blind.
#1 Vector Dynamics
- Dual Amp – Deploy a marker and gain a 15% fire rate buff for 8s. Reactivate to teleport your Spectre to the marker, giving it a fire rate buff. Kills reset the buff duration. Recharge is 30s.
- Vector Wall – Deploy a slow-moving nanobot wall that blocks vision for 10s. ALT FIRE: The wall moves faster and lasts for 6s.
- Nano Sphere – Deploy a bouncing nano swarm that deals 90 damage over 2.5s to the first enemy it gets near.

This Sponsor can hand out some serious damage in Spectre Divide and is, in my opinion, the best of the bunch. The Nano Sphere is a nightmare if you’re caught in it, completely draining health down to only 10 remaining very fast. Combined with the fire rate buff, players caught in the zone are as good as dead and in no time at all. The use of Vector Wall can be easily used to fool players into stumbling places they shouldn’t be, such as into your line of sight or towards the Nano Sphere.
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Published: Sep 5, 2024 01:17 pm