A Capcom teaser site, with “newwarrior” in the URL, hints that a reveal will be made tomorrow.According to the site itself, the reveal is due on “2009.09.29. 17:00 JST” which works out to 9am tomorrow morning, UK time. The site also shows off a little teaser trailer in classic Street Fighter IV art style, with split-second flashes of a a number of familiar-looking characters, who we can’t quite place.While “newwarrior” might hint at, say, a DLC character, we figure we should remind you of the hinted Street Fighter IV sequel.Our best guess? Something along the lines of Street Fighter IV: The New Warriors, with a bunch of new characters and options. Feel free to lob in “Super” or “Turbo” or “Hyper” or “Electric Boogaloo” if you fancy. Perhaps it’ll be DLC which will later see a full boxed release. Or, as this is pure speculation, perhaps it’ll be something entirely different.We expect we’ll find out more tomorrow, but in case you can’t wait, go and have a re-read of our Street Fighter IV review to find out why any new warriors would be an exciting thing, and check out parts one and two of our interview with Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix lead designer and all-round top bloke David Sirlin.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 28, 2009 09:00 am