Capcom has announced the US date for Street Fighter IV, and plans to include a controller with certain boxed copies of the game.The game, due out on PC in the US on 7 July, will also be available via digital distribution through a whole host of services. You’ll be able to grab it through Capcom’s own e-store, in addition to Steam, Impulse, Direct2Drive, Metaboli, Gametap,, Gamersgate, and “others to be named later,” according to the post by Capcom’s Christian Svensson.What’s more exciting is that certain copies of the game will come with a Fight Pad, which works on both PC and Xbox 360. Svensson warns that they took orders and then built the number of controllers to match, though, so they’re likely to be limited. These are due largely on and the Capcom eStore, although Svensson “wouldn’t be surprised to see places like Fry’s and Microcenter also carrying them too.”Annoyingly, we in Europe won’t be seeing them. “Unfortunately retail placed no orders in your territory so the only way you’re likely to be able to get your hands on it is via the Capcom eStore,” according to Svensson.If you’ve yet to play Street Fighter IV and fancy giving it a go on PC, we highly recommend it. It’s great.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: May 12, 2009 10:17 am