Sharp-eyed fans spotted a brief appearance of a test announcement on the official Star Wars: The Old Republic site yesterday, sparking rumours of an imminent closed beta test.Although no actual screenshot of the announcement was obtained, pics of the RSS apparently show that the news item did go up. As Fridays are the usual day for updates on the title, fans are assuming that we’ll see this news go live (again) at the end of this week.However, this does not mean you could be wielding your own lightsabre by the weekend. A closed beta sign-up could mean we’re still months away from an actual CBT. Also, even if the beta was only a month from now, closed betas are tricky to get into.Stay tuned for more news on this.UPDATE: This story is now confirmed. Beta sign-ups are live, read more about how to take part in our latest news item here.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 29, 2009 08:57 am