Telltale Games has revealed to IncGamers that there will be news about new titles “soon.”We recently spoke to Telltale’s design director Dave Grossman but when our interrogation turned to what Telltale was currently working on and what we could expect to see, we were interrupted by Telltale PR manager Chris Schmidt, who shouted from across the room that we would be “hearing something soon.”Whether this is going to be a third series of Sam and Max, another Strong Bad project, or something entirely new, we don’t know, as Telltale remained annoyingly obstinate. Start the rumour mill turning, please, and stay tuned for our full interview.Telltale’s most recent project is the wonderful Tales of Monkey Island series which has improved by leaps and bounds with each episode. Episode 3 was particularly well-loved but so far we’d recommend the series on the whole. The fifth episode of the series – Rise of the Pirate God – should hit the internet towards the end of the month.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Nov 12, 2009 09:39 am