The first expansion pack for the Sims 3 will be released later this week. The Sims 3 World Adventures is due to launch this Friday, allowing players to take their Sims on holiday to three real-world inspired locations in Egypt, France and China.Players can explore ancient tombs in Al Simhara, Egypt, see the fireworks in Shang Simla, China and make nectar in Champs Les Sims, France. Each area offers new challenges and your Sims can pursue new personal opportunities as well as making contact with the locals. If your Sims are British this will probably involve speaking Simlish considerably louder than usual and then throwing furniture around.You can also record your holiday memories using the new photography skill and any treasure found on quests can be taken home.If you register your copy of the game online, you will also receive some exclusive content in the form of the Exlplorer’s loot set which includes exotic Egyptian furniture, Chinese décor, and more as well as 1,000 SimPoints to be spent in The Sims 3 Store.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 17, 2009 01:03 pm