Earlier this year we revealed that Eidos Montreal were working on a new Thief title, cunningly named Thief 4.Since then it’s been a little quiet on the development front and we’ve not heard anything about it since it was announced. With that in mind, we contacted Eidos Montreal’s head honcho, Stephane D’Astous, to find out how the game was coming along and what the team were up to.“Let me reassure you that the team is making leaps and bounds,” said D’Astous.”Personally i have NEVER seen a team, at this milestone (middle of pre-production) in such good shape!”With Thief 4 a title which fans are enthusiastic about, and loyal too, it’s good news that the title is doing so well. And speaking of the fans, D’Astous said that the fans “will NOT be disappointed with Thief 4.”We’ll bring you more news of the title as it emerges, but taking what D’Astous had to say about the title, we could see this a little sooner than expected. Platforms would be good…!
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 27, 2009 01:15 pm