Baldurs Gate 3 All Classes And Subclasses Rogue
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Best Backgrounds for each class in Baldur’s Gate 3

So many backstory options!

During character creation, you’ll probably spend hours trying to figure out which character to make. We’ll explain the best Backgrounds for each class in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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From races to classes and even Backgrounds, there are so many options available to each player. Backgrounds matter quite a bit during gameplay, and they can pair great with certain classes.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Backgrounds per class

You can choose any of the backgrounds in Baldur’s Gate 3, but we know some of the best for each class available. Not only do Backgrounds give you two skill proficiencies, but they grant you two features. Also, you can engage in quests unique to your Background, and you’ll earn Inspiration points for performing actions true to your Background.

In the Dungeons & Dragons 5e rules, your Dungeon Master would normally give Inspiration—a free dice reroll—to players who roleplay well. In Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll gain an Inspiration Point if you try to act according to your Background. In true RPG style, the game rewards you for playing your character correctly. But what differs from D&D 5e rules is that you can hold four Inspiration Points at once. Any Inspiration you earn if you still haven’t spent that four Inspiration will turn into EXP.

Now, let’s dive into the best Backgrounds in Baldur’s Gate 3 for each class. Depending on which class you choose, certain backgrounds may pair better than others. For example, you’ll probably want your Druid to be proficient with Animal Handling, so picking the Folk Hero Background would work in your favor.

Tiefling Bg3
Screenshot via Larian Studios


Barbarians are all about focusing their rage to produce the greatest strength. Their wild and animalistic instincts help them gain the upper hand in battles. You’ll want to choose a Background that gives you Proficiency in Strength Skills.

  • Soldier: Athletics & Intimidation
  • Sailor: Athletics & Perception
  • Folk Hero: Animal Handling & Survival
  • Outlander: Athletics & Survival

The Soldier Background seems like the most typical pick for a skilled Barbarian. They’re heavily trained in combat and probably served in a militia or as a mercenary. Otherwise, Folk Hero sees your Barbarian as the people’s champion, and if they’re an Outlander, they grew up in the wilds and learned to survive.

You may not see a Sailor as a Barbarian, but think again. Not only do Sailors have to be good at sailing ships, but they must be skilled at battling creatures of the ocean. Perhaps your Barbarian is a feisty pirate since they have Proficiency in Athletics!


This class is all about being musically inclined and inspiring your companions. You’ll most definitely want to choose a Background that helps you out in those regards. A Bards’ main ability is their Charisma.

  • Entertainer: Acrobatics & Performance
  • Charlatan: Deception & Sleight of Hand
  • Guild Artisan: Insight & Persuasion
  • Sage: Arcana & History

Bards are most known to be Entertainers, who are best at swaying their audience and being the star of the show. Similarly, a Charlatan is an expert at manipulating people, and Bards typically use trickery spells like Charm Person and Disguise Self.

Otherwise, your Bard may be a Guild Artisan who could be a part of a musical guild. Also, if you’re deciding to choose the College of Lore subclass, you should definitely consider being a Sage. They’re book smart and always thirsty for knowledge.


Clerics are the party healers who worship certain gods. Although many Clerics are good-natured, you can also decide to wield magic with ill-intent. The best Backgrounds for Clerics should represent their devotion to their god and their supportive nature towards the party. Also, their best Ability is their Wisdom.

  • Acolyte: Insight & Religion
  • Hermit: Medicine & Religion
  • Sage: Arcana & History

Choosing the Acolyte Background is probably the best suited for any Cleric. They have spent their life in service to a temple to worship a god or two. You could also become a Hermit, who had a life of seclusion but has proficiency in Skills perfect for Clerics. The third choice, a Sage, would also work to your Cleric’s benefit, as they’re intelligent and yearn to learn the world’s lore.

Best Backgrounds for each class in Baldur's Gate 3
Screenshot via Larian Studios


The Druids are known to be in tune with the elements of nature, and can also transform into beasts. They wield elemental magic, while also engaging in combat—or other fun activities—in their Wild Shape. This class also derives its magic from Wisdom.

  • Folk Hero: Animal Handling & Survival
  • Outlander: Athletics & Survival
  • Hermit: Medicine & Religion

Of course, picking Folk Hero would help a Druid out most, as they even have a Speak with Animals spell. Similar to that Background is Outlander, since Druids would most likely grow up in the wilds and know how to survive. You could also decide to be a Hermit since Medicine is a good Proficiency to have as a Druid; Druids know how to heal too!


Any Fighter is a master of combat and can take on any fight. They can wear any type of Armor, and they know how to wield nearly every weapon. The best Background for Fighters should reflect their unmatched combat skills, as their main ability is their Strength.

  • Solider: Athletics & Intimidation
  • Criminal: Deception & Stealth
  • Folk Hero: Animal Handling & Survival
  • Outlander: Athletics & Survival

There are quite a few good Backgrounds for Fighters. You can be the typical Soldier, who is highly trained on the battlefield. There’s also the Criminal choice since Criminals can be pretty skilled at breaking the law.

Otherwise, if you only want to be on the good side of the law, choose Folk Hero or Outlander. Folk Heroes are known to save innocents from danger, while Outlanders are great at surviving the wild and fighting terrifying beasts.

Related: All companions ranked best to worst in Baldur’s Gate 3


If you’re interested in a class that is great at hand-to-hand combat, pick the Monk. They’re well-trained in martial arts and are always making sure they’re in peak spiritual and physical condition. They have two main abilities, which are Dexterity and Wisdom.

  • Solider: Athletics & Intimidation
  • Outlander: Athletics & Survival
  • Urchin: Sleight of Hand & Stealth

Similar to the Fighter, a Monk is just combat-skilled in different ways. They share some of the same best Backgrounds, like Solider and Outlander. Monks are highly trained in their combat style, and as Outlanders they can receive benefits from the Athletics Proficiency. Or your Monk could be an Urchin, who survived on the streets throughout their childhood, and know how to get by when things are tough.

Best Backgrounds for each class in Baldur's Gate 3
Screenshot via Larian Studios


Like Clerics, Paladins are a highly supportive class who can heal the party, while also leading a life of religious devotion. Paladins swear oaths to their gods unless they choose the path of an Oathbreaker. Their best ability is Strength.

  • Acolyte: Insight & Religion
  • Noble: History & Persuasion
  • Soldier: Athletics & Intimidation
  • Folk Hero: Animal Handling & Survival

As an Acolyte, your Paladin is in service to their god and lived most of their life in a temple. They could also be a Noble, who grew up with a high status and much privilege. Paladins are also great tanks, so you could try out the Soldier Background, as they’re highly trained in battlefield tactics. Another heroic Background would be the Folk Hero, who is devoted to saving innocents and protecting the weak.


This class knows how to track, and usually prefers a ranged weapon. Rangers also hold a connection to nature, so they can hunt their prey with ease. This class can pair great with plenty of Backgrounds with their main ability being Dexterity.

  • Folk Hero: Animal Handling & Survival
  • Outlander: Athletics & Survival
  • Urchin: Sleight of Hand & Stealth
  • Soldier: Athletics & Intimidation

Any Ranger can benefit from the Folk Hero Background, with the proficiencies it gives. Closest to that is the Outlander, who grew up in the wilds away from civilization. Both those Backgrounds connect with a Ranger’s closeness with nature.

Otherwise, you could choose Soldier, since Rangers are very skilled at their ranged combat. Also, Urchin could be interesting. Perhaps your Ranger grew up on the streets and had to learn to be a Ranger to survive.


Rogues are perfect at stealth and are incredibly dexterous, being able to get in and out of situations fast. Their abilities allow them to stay out of sight, and if caught, they can escape in a blink. This offers a wide amount of Backgrounds for them to choose from. As you probably guessed, their primary ability is Dexterity.

  • Charlatan: Deception & Sleight of Hand
  • Urchin: Sleight of Hand & Stealth
  • Criminal: Deception & Stealth
  • Folk Hero: Animal Handling & Survival

The best Backgrounds for Rogues give them proficiencies like Stealth and Sleight of Hand. As a Charlatan, your Rogue is a master of manipulation who knows how to pickpocket without being caught. Similarly, the Urchin had a rough life on the streets, meaning you have to know how to steal things.

Or you can be a full-on Criminal Rogue, who is possibly high up in the criminal empire. If you’re less inclined to be against the law, try Folk Hero. These Rogues, while sneaky, still care about saving the helpless and being a champion of their people.

Best Backgrounds for each class in Baldur's Gate 3
Screenshot via Larian Studios


Naturally gifted at spellcasting, Sorcerers usually get their magic from their bloodline or a gift. They’re best at Charisma, and can become quite powerful at their magic. This leaves open a ton of interesting Backgrounds for them.

  • Noble: History & Persuasion
  • Entertainer: Acrobatics & Performance
  • Soldier: Athletics & Intimidation

It’s hard to pick just one good Background for Sorcerers since they can come from anywhere. Since their magic comes from their Charisma ability, the Backgrounds chosen reflect that. You could be a Noble, which would make you proficient in Persuasion and you’d come from a powerful family. You could also be a magical Entertainer who can captivate an audience or a spellcasting Soldier who dominates the battlefield.


Another spellcasting class is the Warlock, who made a pact with a powerful being for supernatural magic. Their loyalty to their patron gives them unique abilities, and they also get their magic from their Charisma skill.

  • Noble: History & Persuasion
  • Criminal: Deception & Stealth
  • Charlatan: Deception & Sleight of Hand

Because of their charismatic abilities, I picked some more Backgrounds that align with that. As a Noble, perhaps your socially elite Warlock had their life take a turn with their dark pact. Or there’s the Criminal Background since Deception is a Charisma skill. Lastly, you could choose Charlatan, as they’re master manipulators with the same Deception Skill.


Finally, Wizards are highly intelligent spellcasters who learn magic through spell books. Typically, a Wizard learns the arcane ways through schooling, or perhaps they stole some of their textbooks and spell scrolls. Their magic focuses on their Intelligence ability.

  • Noble: History & Persuasion
  • Sage: Arcana & History
  • Acolyte: Insight & Religion

The best Background for a Wizard would probably be a Noble or Sage. Nobles grew up in a wealthy and socially elite family, while Sages are very well-read and strive for knowledge. The Sage would probably be the best out of the two. Otherwise, Acolyte is a decent Background, since they’re proficient in Religion, an Intelligence-based Skill. Acolytes serve gods and worship them through temples.

Those are all the best Backgrounds for each class in Baldur’s Gate 3! Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of which Background you’ll choose once you create your character. Remember, if you don’t choose a recommended Background, that doesn’t mean you have a bad character. Play who you want to play!

Other Baldur’s Gate 3 articles

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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Image of Anyka Pettigrew
Anyka Pettigrew
Anyka Pettigrew has been a Staff Writer for PC Invasion since November 2023 and a Contributing Writer since February 2023. She is a Canadian graduate of a Bachelor of Arts degree who has been writing in games journalism for four years. Anyka is an avid guides writer but also enjoys writing anything from news pieces, to reviews, and even opinion pieces. Having a never-ending passion for video games for as long as she can remember got her into a plethora of genres like action adventure, RPGs, horror, survival etc. Some of her favorite franchises are God of War, Persona, The Last of Us, Zelda, and Resident Evil. She also enjoys reading fantasy and sci-fi books, as well as drawing digital art. Anyka also regularly listens to podcasts on gaming news from 'Kinda Funny Games', and 'Play, Watch, Listen'.