Items In Lego Fortnite
Image: PC Invasion

Do items despawn in LEGO Fortnite? Explained

Will items just lay there forever?

LEGO Fortnite, like any other survival adventure game, can drop items. However, Minecraft has struck the fear of item despawning into us from a young age. Will the same thing happen in LEGO Fortnite?

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Items and their permanence in LEGO Fortnite

Items despawning after a certain length of time is a feature that every one traces back to Minecraft, even if it wasn’t the first to implement such a thing. The horrors of losing our items after five minutes have scarred us, and dropped items trigger a sort of PTSD in us whenever we see something on the floor in other games.

In my experience, items simply do not despawn from time in LEGO Fortnite. I’ve seen items I’ve dropped from days ago still in the same spot, and when I come back to my village after a night of heavy skeleton activity, I see dozens of bones lying everywhere – and they never go away.

Items As Far As The Eye Can See In Lego Fortnite
Items as far as the eye can see… Image: PC Invasion

This is a blessing, but also a curse. It allows you to throw your items on the floor instead of building storage from them. However, this clutters up the world real quick, and the more items hanging around, the more demanding it is for your PC.

Despite items seeming to not despawn in LEGO Fortnite, I would advise against leaving valuables on the floor, just in case there is a surprise feature or patch that will affect lingering items. Also, they may despawn, but only after such a long time that no one has reached that point yet.

Related: Best ways to find players for your world in LEGO Fortnite

How to destroy items in LEGO Fortnite

So if items stay afloat seemingly forever, is there a way to destroy items in LEGO Fortnite? Having items not despawn is great – but in LEGO Fortnite, your items don’t spray out upon death, so this feature isn’t as helpful as it would have been in our Minecraft days.

I haven’t found a way yet to destroy all the items I don’t want. I think the best way to do this is to allocate a ‘bin’, where you build a structure to simply throw out everything you don’t want. However, with so many items, this may cause performance issues.

Instead, you could try to make large vats of chests that you unceremoniously throw all of your unwanted in.

Now, I haven’t been able to personally test this, but maybe you could try blowing up your items, or attaching thrusters onto your vat or bin and flying it very far away. That would be entertaining, and also very handy.

Other LEGO Fortnite guides.

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Image of Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne is a contributing writer for PC Invasion, with almost a couple years of experience in the industry. He has written about Roblox extensively, although has keenly covered new releases and indie games. A passionate writer and gamer, he still can't really believe he gets to indulge in both for a career.