How to farm Arcana in Wizard with a Gun
Screenshot: Galvanic Games

How to farm Arcana in Wizard with a Gun

Chaos reigns supreme.

The survival, resource-collecting, base-building game from Galvanic Games requires, unsurprisingly, a lot of resources to be collected as you progress. These resources are used to build everything you need. New weapons, ammo, research, the ground around you, and health potions all require endless harvesting. One of the most important resources to collect is Arcana. Arcana is responsible for a lot of research and crafting in Wizard with a Gun, and you’ll need to learn how to farm it to get ahead.

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How to farm Arcana in Wizard with a Gun

From the very beginning of the game, you’re going to need Arcana to progress. However, this is one of the more risky resources to collect as it will require you to come up against the very things you have sworn to destroy. The Chaos is the key to farm Arcana in Wizard with a Gun.

Seek the chaos

How to farm Arcana in Wizard with a Gun
Screenshot: PC Invasion

In the early stages of the game, before the timer has counted down, seek out the gates as they open. You can get a decent amount of Arcana in Wizard with a Gun early on by seeking these out. They are low-risk and low-reward, but a peaceful life is a good life. You can spot the Chaos gates on the map for easy pickings.

Weather the Arcana storm

Once the numbers have counted down to zero, all hell breaks loose. This is the time you can farm more Arcana than ever, and as time goes on, it’s going to get harder. If you’re looking to only get your hands on Arcana in Wizard with a Gun, stay away from other bosses with gears and big groups of enemies, and get into a position of defense. The Chaos will seek you out, and you can focus all your efforts on killing them. Just know your limits and pick your battles.

Keep your Wizard with a Gun out of the pink Goo

When Chaos attacks, it will try to trap you in its area of damage attacks. They land on the floor and cover an area with pink goo. Try to avoid this, as standing in it will take away from the Arcana you have already farmed in Wizard with a Gun.

Store that Arcana

In your base, you should keep your Arcana locked away in your bank. This will stop you from losing it if you die in the field. There is no benefit to taking it back out with you, so every time you head back to base, pop it in your bank.

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Image of Leo Gillick
Leo Gillick
Leo is a Freelance Writer for PC Invasion. He has a degree in English Literature and Film Studies and more hours buried into videogames than he cares to admit. He has worked extensively in the Videogame and Travel writing industry but, as they say, get a job doing something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. He uses his writing as a means to support indefinite global travel with the current five year plan seeing him through Latin America.