Wuthering Waves 1
Image: Kuro

How to fix Wuthering Waves crashing on Android

Are your waves falling flat?

Anyone playing Wuthering Waves on an Android phone may have their game crash at start up, despite having the game pre-loaded before launch. If you didn’t get the memo, you’re in for quite a surprise.

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How to stop Wuthering Waves crashing on Android

For undisclosed reasons, some Android Wuthering Waves users would crash upon start-up. The team did fix this before the game went live, although the only way for it to be implemented is by uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.

This was the advice they gave before the game was publicly available. So, it may be worth checking the Play Store to see if an update is waiting for you.

If there’s an update, install it, and open the game again. You may find that you won’t have any more crashes. However, if this problem persists, then deleting the game and installing it again will be what you have to do.

This may be frustrating as the point of having it preloaded is so you could jump in immediately, but it would be the only way to play the game.

In some cases, some users may find that they still experience crashes, however.

Other fixes for Wuthering Waves crashing on Android

Multiplayer Wuthering Waves Co Op Realm
Image: Kuro games

In some cases, you may find that reinstalling Wuthering Waves doesn’t fix the crashes on your Android. At this point, there are many potential reasons why your Android is struggling to operate the game and some things you could try to fix.

Wuthering Waves may be crashing due to storage issues, where its force-closing due to lack of available space. On your Android, you may find the Device Care menu in your settings, or as a widget. For Wuthering Waves, you’ll want plenty of free space for processing and little “breathing room.”

If your storage levels are critical, then there may not be enough room for a smooth operation, which may lead to performance issues and crashes. So free up some space, by clearing your cache, deleting apps, and clearing the data of apps you don’t use but can’t delete.

You can also free up storage by going into Memory in the Device Care section and pressing “Clean Now.” You’ll be told how much storage you’ll be cleaning beforehand. I had a whole GB of memory just sitting there, waiting for me to clear it.

With more storage and Wuthering Waves reinstalled you really shouldn’t face any more problems. If I keep seeing more reports of this, and more fixes for the problem, I’ll update this article.

Now that Wuthering Waves should be fixed for your Android, you can go out and find those Sonance Caskets.

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Image of Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne is a contributing writer for PC Invasion, with almost a couple years of experience in the industry. He has written about Roblox extensively, although has keenly covered new releases and indie games. A passionate writer and gamer, he still can't really believe he gets to indulge in both for a career.